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added comment inProject - Dynamic Shapes
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Level 1
Points to observe: overlaps (being consistent too back to front), no parallels and tension areas..
I am not always sure how to use the flippers to support the gesture. I understand everything has to somehow lead to same direction, but I could have gotten that wrong
Will keep trying – but certainly this exercise and the shape design are very enjoyable…
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Horrible scans, using light weight paper is a curse, and not level 2 - but anyways
- I can be a little more creative and perhaps bolder in working the shapes..
- Been too safe in choosing similar shapes (ie squares with squares , circles with circles) which might
coherent, but I should have explored mixing different shapes (squares with circles)
- should have tried different angles to see how the shapes would work
Hey, I think you did a nice job simplifying your shapes. You're right that combining shapes will give you more options in your designs. Like your first rooster has a nice mix of triangles, squares and circles - you could try keeping the same variety in your Level 2 designs but just push one shape more heavily so that the overall impression is that of, say, a round character, with a big round silhouette, even though there might be some smaller triangles and squares within, instead of every single shape having to be a circle.
Another thing I noticed is that even though you changed up the 3 basic shapes in your Level 2 designs, you kept the components of the faces the same size in each design. For example, with your hippos, most of them are roughly 2/3 eye window and 1/3 snout. You can change these proportions a lot, and try something more exaggerated like 1/5 eye window and 4/5 snout. Same goes for varying the size of the eyes, nostrils, etc. Also placement - you could place the ears on the sides, move the eyes down, etc.
Re: lightweight paper, I haven't tried this with scans but when I take photos of thin paper and other drawings show through, an easy fix is to just place a few sheets of printer paper underneath the page you're taking a photo of. I imagine that could also work for scans?
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My rhino assignment - did it digital since I just moved and my printer isn't set up yet. But definitely want to practise with traditional as well. :)
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Eager to see the demo!
The hierarchy of importance can be subjective.. to me, the head and horns had first priority, then overall body then other details.. I tried to make it homogeneous (so that the levels are not that different)..
The shadows is a little more difficult. The beast has many wrinkle which makes the choices.. I keep asking myself if every shadow was important (which brings me back to hierarchy of importance!).
Done on software, so the proportions are just copied..
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To be honest – I had to review the instructions a few times to remind myself that I need to sketch loosely!
I think the point of the this exercise is to loosely make a stroke, give your mind time to catch up then attempt the next stroke.
Varying success:
1- In the VR Girl, I lost my way in simplifying the right hand.
2- Penguin, proportions were off.
3- Spiderman hand, not sure if this should be cleaner..