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I need to work more on my perspective. I had to give up after 3 attempts at the boots and I got frustrated. I’ll try it again after I watch the demo
Asked for help
Definitely found this difficult. I couldn’t figure out how to make the pressure on my iPad to make the lines lighter. They were starting to confuse me so I erased them. I’ll try it again on paper
After completing Proko’s project on simplifying, I’ve been focused on mastering it before moving on, which has been difficult. I can see the light and shadows in the references, however, I struggle to simplify shapes. Any feedback and/or tips are greatly appreciated! Thank you.
I'm definitely not the expert here, but one thing I did that I felt helped me was taking my pencil or any straight edge and just laying it over the area I was about to draw so I could "see" the straight line. Then I would move the pencil to see how "far" I could take the straight line before it stretched reality too much. I would agree these are nicely done.
Well, here is the first attempt. I never felt satisfied with my shadows values. As u can see in the picture I wound up pushing so hard with my pencil it indented the paper so now that part of the darkest value just reflects the light when I try to take a picture. I definitely have some things to work on!
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