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added comment inDemo - Learning to Sketch from Observation
Mixed success here I guess. I can see some insecure scratchy lines, and some nicer strokes. Did a few outside the prescribed exercises to get some more practice in.
I think my biggest problem (ignoring proportion stuff) here is line weight perhaps? My line weight is very inconsistent, due to lack of control rather than strange decisions being made. I see there's a line weight exercise coming up, so looking forward to that one!

Elijah R
I think Stan’s demo, about rhythms can really help here. Simple shapes are a lot easier to keep track of. He also talks about how to avoid contouring using these simple shapes.
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Wow! This is tough. Struggled a lot with this.
Here is my first go at the camel, my second go at the snail, and my third go at the boots.
Might have a go at captain skull this weekend if I get some time.
Its interesting how even in a line that I've done in a big sweeping motion, I still see little insecure wobbles here and there. Practice practice practice.
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Welp, we all start somewhere. Wasn't particularly happy with my first attempt so I watched the demo and the critiques, grabbed a different reference (so I didn't copy), and had another go.
A little more pleased with the result this time, however it's still scrappy, and some of the construction is off. I made myself slow down a lot, but I think I need to gooooo slooooower.
Struggled with getting a consistent tone in the lights without having there be gaps between the lines or the lights becoming too dark. Need to work on that.
Proportions vastly improved! I think slowing down also made your shading look so much more clean.