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Attempted a few isometric illusions, and a less structured one which was a study of one of Sandro Del Prete’s paintings
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Gave myself 5 mins per pose but I still struggled. I feel like I take a long time to analyse and find the right line to use. I think they end up looking stiff in the end, and my proportions seem way off. Do you guys have any tips to improve? Thank you
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My brain hurts. First attempt done in red. Used green pencil and Followed along the level 1 Demo. 2nd attempt done in blue pencil.
Hi! I have trouble drawing from imagination and rely heavily on references. I wish to get better at perspective so that I can draw things at different angles, or create my own poses. I really admire the art of MC Escher and Alex Grey and I hope that I can reach their level some day. Thank you for this course!
Carlos Pérez
Alex Grey's aesthetics are increadible .
Submission for level 1 and level 2 projects. For the level 2 rhino, I tried to draw it from observation instead of tracing.
Here are my sketches! I think I’m still a little stiff with my lines, and I follow the reference images too closely.
Great job!! I've been drawing frogs too!!
My second attempt after watching the demo and critique videos
My first attempt. I found the hand really challenging. And I feel like I hesitate before putting down a line. How do I produce more confident lines?
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