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Second attempt on the level 2 assignment. The image is a little upclose since I did not put any borders around the drawing, so I thought it looked better this way, I would love to know if there are any points of improvement here! One word of advice i'd give myself is that I kinda shot myself in the foot by going so dark with a hb pencil, if I didn't I most likely could have reduced the amount of noise in the darker areas, but I guess doing more and more of these will help with that. I also tried to do little to no detail at all and just focusing on the larger, clustered shapes, was that a good call?
Brian Judy
I love your choice of values for your composition. Came out really great
Brian Judy
Male and Female Studies. Critique appreciated!
Lately, I feel like I'm in a good vibe for getting a good rhythm, stretch, and movement going for observed subjects, but I am having some difficulty carrying this over to my imagination drawings. I seem to do much better at constructing the figures via robo bean, mannequin, etc. than gesturally cranking them out (from imagation), which concerns me. Any crucial steps I'm missing to get that to translate better? Thanks!
@Michael Hampton your gestural approach seems great for creating poses from imagination, but I'm struggling to connect with it in the same way I have with Proko's approach (sometimes using large sweeps instead of following the skeleton underneath). Looking at my work, do you have any suggestions on how to wed those approaches so I can unlock more imagination stuff?
Finished analysing and learning from the ones shown! Here is my 2 day progress; the first are so bad looking back. 😅 Now it's time to do on my own; I bought Sekaa's album specially for this. The most annoying part is spotting perspective errors and not knowing how to fix them yet...but practicing more poses tends to answers past questions along the way.
Brian Judy
Asked for help
I went through this class long ago, and I'm in a season where it's time to revisit it. 🥰
I'm a casualty of the "drawing from the right side of the brain" era, being intermediate to advanced in portraits from reference, but not so good at imagination.
Well, after studying for years, tonight was a break through for me. I feel like I actually could start to see the rotation of the subject in my mind's eye and then translate that to paper. I can see some things off... still it feels like a jump for me!
Please, any critique appreciated - I'm ready to grow!
Brian Judy
Asked for help
Getting pretty challenging. Lots of things to keep track of, and I think I'm gonna have to do a lot of these and get some of this in my subconscious brain before getting too much further into the facial features. Still struggling on how to identify the temple from imagination (referenced ones are okay) and also getting that chin correct based on the angle
@Michael Hampton a question I had was when carving out the side of the skull, does the carved out ellipse go perpendicular to the angle of the head tilt, or is it that I'm suppose to follow the angle of the side plain now (like perpendicular to the brow line that goes back?
Brian Judy
Asked for help
I'm still struggling to understand what to do with the underside of the chin and how to show that in an abstract sense. Looking at some other posters here, I see some rendering of the "box" like how you showed, but I'm not sure really where it starts and ends I guess. @Michael Hampton Any way you can direct me in how to understand this better?