Rhythm practice 2!!!

This is another attempt of my gesture drawing. I think I should've exaggerated it more. Any criticism is welcome! Thank you so much for reading!
The first thing you want to do when you start a gesture drawing is to find where the weight is. In this drawing the weight is on the right leg, as a result, the body is centered over the right foot. Your drawing has the weight centered exactly in the middle and the body is straight up and down.
I did a sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
Hey, there! You titled this rhythm practice but this feels more like mannequinization. You have a rhythm present in the foot like in the Proko video, though. The purpose of those is to observe and use the relation of different forms to enhance the movement of the piece.
If you give that video a watch again, catch where Stan mentions some rhythms and look for similar relations in your future studies. There may be rhythms that lead from an arm and to the leg or any number of places.
You've got a good construction here, though! Just find and use those rhythms :D
Thank you for the help. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think my drawing is a mannequinization one. I remember mannequinization is more structural than gesture/ rhythm
I appreciate your respond regardless. I learnt something new