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Huba Hevele
added comment inHow to Draw Lower Back Muscles – Form
Asked for help
I have completed,the lower back asignment.I am looking for critique on ma drawings .
I was trying to comunicate the gesture, and motion of the muscles, while being accurate with their placement.
Some pointers on my rendered studie would be apreciated.Does it read 3d, and did I cept the gesture flowing?
Thank you in advance, have a nice day.
These look great, really nice work!!
Huba Hevele
Asked for help
Hello, these are my attempts before watching the critique video.It really helps to know the anatomy so I can represent form with my shading not just copy shapes and edges.But it is hard to keep myself in that 3d mentality while shading.
Do you guys strugle with that?
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2021/10/31. Good morning everyone. Here is my 30 min warm-up exercise. I finished in 28 min. I tried to draw the subject focusing on the shadows and the negative spaces between them trying to limit the use of lines as much as possible. The result is not so accurate but I am happy to have experimented with a different approach. Thank you and good day. - Brian Knox is a Watts Atelir instructor and this video of him demonstrating is really helpful for constructing and mapping heads.
Hope you finde it helpful as well.
My exersice :-) Feedback wanted :-)
Good job, I would try exagerating the gesture more, and then moving on to adding structure to them.
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2021/10/31. Good morning everyone. Here’s my first attempt for this section. Thanks a lot.
I think the core shadow along the right side of the hand looks too sharp, I would soften the edge.On the belly of the muscles edges tend to be softer and harder along more tendenes and bony areas
I would start with learning lanscape bekause it gives you more opportunity for abstract shape designe, and learning composition, witch you can use later in figure painting.
Also it would be a good idea to practice simultaniously the two.
And doing stil life and cast studies is a good ide to introduce yourself to the fundamentals.
That is just my opinion do.
Hope that helps, have a nice day!
Taking a guache tilling class at Watts Atelier is also a great option for beginners
Huba Hevele
Asked for help
Done some more drawings after watching the critique video.
I feel like I have a good understandig of the shoulder muscles now.
What do you guys think?
Huba Hevele
Asked for help
Here is my attempt for the assignment. I am looking for some feedback on how can I improve on thees.
Have a nice day!
Really nice!
- In image 4, the left shoulder, I would have the infraspinatus overlap the terer major
- You often draw the humerus too long and thin, and the head of humerus should be larger and closer to the surface (see if you can feel it on yourself). You'll learn more about the humerus in the future, but it might be useful to take a peek on the arm bones lesson.
- The teres major attaches at the front, medialy, on the humerus, in image 5 and 6, you have it attaching a little too far back
Hope this helps :)
Huba Hevele
Asked for help
Here are my drawings of the oblique, the third page is completly invented.
I am looking for some feedback.
Have a nice day :)
Awesome drawings! I'll do my best to help you further:
- In the first image, backview drawing, it's not attaching to the ribcage correctly; it should attach all the way to the 12th rib. One thing that helped me get the origins accurately was to memorize the arc in which the digits attach.
Hope this helps :)
Huba Hevele
Asked for help
I am looking for feedback on my ab studies,they took about 10 minites each.