Painting a Fantasy Portrait From Reference (LIVESTREAM)

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Jon Neimeister
Tomorrow I'll be doing a special live demo and answering your questions about digital painting. You can start leaving them now in the comments before the stream starts. Just a reminder that you can still save 20% on the presale of my course using code DIGITALPAINTING
Very nice guys, thank you Jon for showing some of your skills.
i feel like im completely burnt out right now. Im trying to go back to art because i remember how happy it used to make me , but its a struggle. any advice how to get trough this?
At what level do you really need to be in order to be job ready (entry level)? how can you compare yourself when you mostly see PRO work in artstation. when would you know you are ready to take on the challenge of a real job and not just sporadic small comissions?
Hi, Jon! I was wondering how do you balance straying too far from a sketch and adding time consuming detail?
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Do you think that nothing is original in art anymore? and if so how would you be able to stand out from everyone else?
Does form or line style have any relevance when applying for a job in concept art?
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Do you believe in natural talent? I see so many young artists online who seem to know all the fundamentals of art and they can pick up everything so quickly and they don't have to focus on doing studies and exercises as much and I try not to be jealous but it is still a bit demotivating
Do you have any tips for rendering? I find it so hard to take my paintings from the sketch with base colors to a clean rendering. Thanks!
Bas de Vries
Do you use a lot of 3d modeling software for your work (like Maya, blender etc.) and do you think VR is going be (or maybe already is) a factor in the art world?
Alexander Dounouk
is this a sample of the format John will use in his course ? will it be integrated with a basic lecture structure as well
Stephen Hopkinson
Any favourite book recommendations for learning to draw in general like loomis etc..
I have the Loomis method how to draw the head and it has some helpful tips in there
What are the websites in which you gather your references
Emichi 0_0
Any tips on choosing the right color? I've always had trouble with getting them right so I stick with black and white paintings for now thank you for the stream btw!
Santiago Parra
Hey Jon! Is this the usual process you do for a splashart illustration? (I mean lineart, flats, shadows and then merge layers and work on top) Thank you both for the livestream <3
​I just started using photoshop after years of using Krita and a bit of Clip studio paint and I'm not liking PS so much for illustrations. Is if worth learning PS? What makes it stand out in illustration?
Alexander Dounouk
do british territories fall under the uk for free lance what is the studio
Do you ever have trouble starting a illustration? I can draw for hours but starting is the hardest part. do you ever have this problem and how do you mitigate it?
Alexander Dounouk
I'm not familiar with flash art. I read its related to tattoos are there others uses
Who were your "Art Parents"?
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