Gabe Golden
Gabe Golden
Activity Feed
Gabe Golden
Posting to keep myself honest and knock my ego down a peg; especially after I over-layed it on the original image and saw the sizable discrepancies (looking at you eyes and right-most nostril :) ). Other things I noticed are that I could've done a better job laying in the intermediate medium shapes. I have some constructive lines for them, but gave in to the temptation to noodle on the details too early. Point of pride though is that I felt something was off with the placement of the eyes and had the patience to wipe the slate clean on them and measure again rather than fudging it to make it work.
Gabe Golden
Did a bunch of observation thumbs and I gotta say I'm all about these puffer fish right now. Those funny hair-and-beard style spike patterns and goobery mouths just tickle me. Most of the thumbnails are straight impressions of reference pics, but I tried to rotate it a bit too to warm up before the bigger sketches.
Patrick Bosworth
Love these little puffers!! The expressions are so much fun! I'd love to see you push the exaggeration almost to the point of popping! Nice work!
Gabe Golden
Tried to throw proportion out the window and focus on feeling those sketch lines. The result is some warping, but it was fun to just go for it 😅
Hello, here are my line studies and first attempt, pre demo of the boots. Cheers
Gabe Golden
I love the various thumbnails you did to get a feel for these boots. Makes me want to go back and do more. The final one with the confident flowy side-of-the-pencil lines feels great.
Gabe Golden
What a fun one! - I hesitated to do the laces on the boots, but in the end I couldn't resists the whirls. Felt like that bumped it up to a lvl 2 though; at least it felt tougher than the snail. - I also had to resist the urge to shade after doing the groundwork of laying these in. - It could be hard to curb the granularity of the Cs Ss and Is, because if you string together small enough instances of them you can basically do any detail, but then you're not doing the hard work of simplifying.
Gabe Golden
Hey all! First post; first submission; first pear 😁 A couple callouts as a see this scanned: 1. I ought to find a way to make nicer scans of my assignments. Sorry for the quality on this one. 2. My value delineations are still too bendy. I got lost in the weeds instead of abstracting out more details. I'll aim to be braver about simplifying next time. 3. Kind of the same as 2 but with the gradations I used. I might've snuck in a 6th value here.
Gabe Golden
Tacking on my other attempts here: For the second pear I tried to keep the shapes a bit simpler and move through the exercise with less scrutinizing the micro details. For the portrait I got sucked back into detail-town, but at least most of the edges are pretty clearly delineated.
Third try and I feel pretty pleased with it. Find the line work the most difficult since the lighter values reveal my strokes and they are not consistent. Critique is welcomed!
Gabe Golden
You should be pleased; this looks great! Clear separation of values, and a lot of discipline about sticking to your chosen light values. Regarding the line work: I actually think it's really clean and the direction of the strokes wrap the form of the pear so they are actually helping to communicate it's shape.
Avery Grizzard
The assignment I am submitting is my first. I was really nervous, but I finally got the courage to do it and I'm very proud of myself. It turned out better than I thought it would! I am Looking forward to what's next!
Gabe Golden
Way to dive in! Keep practicing that line work. See if you can make some longer confident lines on a side sheet to warm up so that your edges come out in fewer cleaner pulls rather than many short sketchy marks. Lots of good ways to reinforce this; e.g. drawing sets of parallel lines in various directions. Now that I look at the lesson plan, we'll probably get into this in a few lessons in the `Lines` module. Also for an instant level-up, try throwing the shadow the pear casts on the ground on there. You might be surprised how much more tangible that makes it feel.
first assignment done! any feedback is much appreciated 
Gabe Golden
One easy callout: I'm seeing some pretty keenly observed shape delineations, but the sketchiness of the fills causes them to bleed together a bit. Take your time filling in the value-blocks if you want to achieve solid areas of tone that let those edges sharpen up.
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