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added comment inProject - Simple Animal Portraits
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So these include some of the least nice looking things I’ve done in a while but also some that I quite like. I like the ones I played around with more than the ones I did “from ref” because they allowed me to accept the shapes I had instead of trying to make something look like the ref but with very simple shapes. I think I can def have chosen to do more shapes to make them “prettier” but forcing myself to simplify made it a bit more fun when I then played around with the shapes themselves. I can def see how characters can come to life by thinking this way! A lot of fun when things I really didn't understand how others could do before suddenly is becomes understandable! Im really learning a lot about the toolbox so far, thanks for that!
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I tried both the level one and two. Left is my level one from reference. I felt i got more and more into the feel for it the more I drew and I was surprised how fast one could capture the gesture (at least i think i did ok…). The middle shows my references and I drew two of the seals from one of the references.
The attachment to the right is when I tried to do them from imagination some time later and it was much harder to come up with interesting gestures but I manage to fill the page at least. It was fun and it felt nice to go from very high effort portrait measurement to quite quick and flowy line drawing.
Grateful for feedback!
Niklas Nilsson
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Hi! I have a question. Does this kind of set up defeat the purpose of the exercise? Does this become “sight sizing” instead of comparative measurement? If, so how would you recommend I place the reference? Just make it a bit larger/smaller to practise scaling?
Hi! I am a beginner so don't see this as insight but just some reflections from me. I would guess it depends on the challenge you want. If you’ve never done measures before then an image as close to what you are planning to draw is probably somewhat easier. If you think it is quite easy to go from exact size then maybe trying to use different sizes will be more of an challenge?
For me personally the challenge of the exercise if finding the right measures and using them in the right way. So in that sense as long as you’re not using a ruler to take exact measures I think your setup is fine. But again, just my intuition since I don’t have the experience!!
Good luck!
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As usual too late but am slowly catching up to the critique timings. This is my entry in the shapes project. I put it over the original in procreate later and saw that I got the face too broad but the details on the face (eyes, nose and mouth) were quite good. Really good way to teach oneself where one tend to read the image wrong. I learned that i tend to want to draw angles broader than they are especially on larger shapes. Also learned tgat my measurements were worse than my “eyeballing” so I need to be more precise there. Only had A4 so did it on that size.
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Hi! Really learning a lot from these studies. I’ve not realized before how much difference it made choosing the right lines to emphasize. I really think this Glen Keane was a good example of that. Left is mine, right is original.
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Hi all! First time doing a master study. I chose a drawing by Eliza Ivanova because I really liked her “scribbly” lines that gave the cat such life. The left one is my study and the right one is her original. I felt very inspired by her style!
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Snail post-demo and boots pre-demo. I realized I dont have the intuition how much detail is necessary - harder when only doing lines compared to previous exercise when doing shading as well. That I felt was easier. Also another learning is to avoid being perfectionist and correct things cause that actually took away some personality that I saw others got by being confident with their lines. Critique is welcome!
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First try on the portait. Was quite overwhelming in the beginning so actually a bit surprised I managed to get it done. The proportions are all off and that was very hard to recover from when I noticed so had to work with it. However I think the simplification went ok. The 3 darker values could be more distinct. Critique is welcomed!
im a beginner aswell so just commenting my thoughts, i think the way you made the proportions makes it have a unique character and looks great (i know its not the point of the exercise but still :) )
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Third try and I feel pretty pleased with it. Find the line work the most difficult since the lighter values reveal my strokes and they are not consistent. Critique is welcomed!
You should be pleased; this looks great! Clear separation of values, and a lot of discipline about sticking to your chosen light values.
Regarding the line work: I actually think it's really clean and the direction of the strokes wrap the form of the pear so they are actually helping to communicate it's shape.