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Christian Schlierkamp
added comment inAssignment - The Secret of Simple Forms
Asked for help
Hi Marshall, worked on the assignement anew. I wanted to stick to the toy-animals - the dolphin seemed fairly ok to simplify and to (gosh...terrible pun) toy around with.
Frank Engelhaupt
Great foreshortening on the bottom right fella.
Frank Engelhaupt
Asked for help
At first I thought that if I simplified the proportions of that disinfectant flask into 1 (depth) : 2 (width) : 3 (hight) this would help me with foreshortening - surprise: it did not. So I had to draw a lot of sketches and redraw the most convincing ones for my little ensemble. If there's a way of constructing this so that the proportions are still correct in perspective, I would be curious to find out.
Frank Engelhaupt
I want to go to the Louvre with Mr Vadruff and listen to him in front of my favorite master paintings.
Vue Thao
Asked for help
Wow, someone has been to the website. great job with those intersections.
Well, I tried my best. Rib cage of the figure in frontal view is definitely to wide, but I'm pretty satisfied with the perspective. In my experience, when it comes to establish the two blocks for pelvis and torso, it's easier to first determine the plane closest to the viewer. That is a good starting point to see, how each block is situated in space. It's still hard though ...