Elvira B
Elvira B
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Elvira B
Asked for help
Elvira B
I startet my first attempt before watching the demo a while ago. I didn‘t touch my drawing for some time and when I continued to draw the first one, I couldn’t help myself and got carried away with details. This was obviously not the right way to do the assignment. I needed the demo AND the critique video to draw how it’s supposed to be done (hopefully). I really have difficulty to simplify. The second attempt is more like a third attempt. I forgot to take a picture of my version after I watched the demo. After also watching the critique video I drew over it and tried to correct it.
Wow, Beautiful design of shapes 😊
Melanie Scearce
Wow, these turned out incredible @Elvira B! Kudos for doing this project again and making an effort to simplify. I think you really nailed it. In awe of your shading on the simplified portrait. It's a super minor adjustment but I think I would bump up the lightness in the shapes around his cheek on the light side of his face. That would be my only critique!
Elvira B
The left one was my first attempt before the demo, the right one was my second one after watching the demo. I think the first one has too visible outlines, the second one looks a bit too blurred.
Anabella Petrescu
Great shadow work
Elvira B
Hi everyone, my name is Elvira. I´m very excited to attend this course, and to hopefully learn a lot. It´s very motivating and interesting to read all your assignments and to see the artists you picked. My goal is to be able to draw anything from my imagination. I especially would love to draw environments. But I´m also eager to draw any kind of creature from various perspectives. I only have experience in portrait drawing. I gained beautiful results, but it was only copying photographs. People around me seemed to believe that I was able to draw anything they asked me to. I knew I couldn´t and it stressed me out. So, I lost any joy in drawing and eventually stopped about a decade ago. Meanwhile it feels silly that I quit because of some self-induced pressure. But now I´m ready and excited to draw again! For the last couple of years I have been learning to use 3D software and I hope to become a 3D Artist one day. I often sketch more complex parts on paper in order to figure out how I could transform it to a 3D object. Those sketches certainly don´t spark any joy in me perspective-wise. Hopefully by the end of this course they won´t look as poorly as they currently do. I´d like to understand how to bring correct shapes to paper in more exaggerated perspectives. Furthermore I fail to comprehend how to correctly place the orthogonal lines when the vanishing points are off the page. The pictures I added are from Ken Anderson, Kristian Llana, Mathieu Latour-Duhaime, Michel Breton, Walt Peregoy, Bjørn-Erik Aschim and Claude Coats. I hope that one day I´ll be able to master such excellent work myself.
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