Eugen Ganscha
Eugen Ganscha
Hobbyist artist from Germany, constantly working on improving :).
Activity Feed
Eugen Ganscha
I have a question about the Bristol paper. The one linked and shown in the video has a "Bristol vellum surface", however the Newsprint was supposed to be smooth. Should we also go with smooth Bristol or is vellum actually the preferred surface type for Bristol paper?
Tina M
Hi Eugen, fellow student here. I'm not sure I follow but I'll tell you what I know. Bristol board/paper comes in two textures, smooth and vellum. The vellum is a little more textured for charcoal use and stuff like that. Newspaper is different, at least I don't know of a Bristol newspaper, and it also has different textures. The company Stathmore make both Bristol and Newsprint pads. I hope this helps.
Eugen Ganscha
My drawing of Morgan, I'd really appreciate some feedback on this one because I took my time with it. I tried to incorporate the feedback I received on my last drawing and really focus on avoiding at least the more glaring proportional mistakes I made before.
Gerald Kelley
Proportions are looking good! The two things I would look to improve upon with this one is upping the contrast, and softening the planes of the nose. Every time I think I'm getting close to finishing a drawing, I hear an old teacher talking to me, "Make your darks darker and your lights lighter." Almost every darn time, it makes my drawing way better. :) Second, the planes of the nose are way to sharp, and don't look natural. Specifically the top plane is flattened out too much, and the left wing has too sharp of an edge to it. It's great that you're getting those shapes in to inform your values! Just be careful of those edges. Keep it up!
Eugen Ganscha
My drawing attempt of Nicolai. The likeness could be improved upon, but I'm looking forward to any sort of feedback. The course's been a wonderful introduction into portraiture, even if there's still a long way to go! :)
Nice work! Overall a pretty good portrait. Personally speaking I think you suffer the same problem I do in compressing the face to a straight on angle compared to the three quarter view of the reference picture. I think you can see this in the way the mouth looks straight whereas I believe it's on more of an angle in the reference photo. I also think he could do with some more detail in the wrinkles. But overall, I do think you're getting there!
Bradwynn Jones
Hi Eugen! It looks like you know about the planes of the head well. The thing that grabs my attention is the far side eye. It's bigger than the eye closest to us. May be the bottom third of the face needs to be a bit longer? I'd double check the measurement of the thirds of the face. I like the highlight on the nose and how you added value to support it. Good work Sir!
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