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Fold SimplificationI've watched some YouTube videos on drawing folds, but I feel like I'm copying without understanding the folds themselves.
To be fair, I started doing folds two days ago, so maybe I'll naturally understand over time, but I hope hearing feedback will make it click that much faster.
As I got all my reference from Pinterest, I unfortunately lost one picture by forgetting to save it. I also noticed that I chose poor references for my first two sketches (the jeans ones), and tried to pick better pictures that have clear folds from then on.
If you have any thoughts, I'd like to hear them. Thanks!
Billy Morris
Asked for help
I really like action poses so this was pretty fun. I tried drawing the pose as is then making an action pose based off of it right next to it.
Hello, a reoccurring problem I see is that you shorten the distance between the ribs and the pelvis. See the attached picture.
Other than that, I think you've nailed the legs and arms.
- Dwight
Asked for help
I'm back with more gesture. This time around, I tried to work on the forms of my figures instead of jumping right to contours from gesture. Not only did this help make my figures less wonky, but also slowed me down so I could correct proportional issues ... for the most part (DSC04199 looks awful).
It's fun to look back and see where I didn't make volumes first, such as the hand for DSC_2965. I used a mechanical pencil instead of a colored pencil for erasing and exactness, which also helped a lot. I can also see big gaps in my anatomy knowledge, especially in the legs and feet.
I didn't try faces this time around, as I've realized I can't draw them at regular size. I'll probably post some portraits to get feedback on those as well.
If you'd like the reference to compare any of my drawings to, let me know and I'll whip it up.
- Dwight
Asked for help
hi all, i'm practicing with the robo bean. I drew this angle but I don't understand the torso if I did it right, it seems to me that there is something wrong but I don't understand what, the twists are a bit difficult for me, can you help me understand? A thousand thanks
Hey pasqualed, you have the right idea, I'd just push it a little farther.
I've attached my anatomical version as well as my robo-bean version. Both are useful for construction and gesture.
Hope I've helped!
1st attempt is watching the pose 2. is watching stan do it 3. is again just watching the pose. any critique is appreciated if u go over mine i'll gladly go over yours
Hey slyx, nice work. I would only add that your proportions are a little off. I've attached what I would've done, which is yours plus a little extra gesture (I can't help myself).
All I had in mind for proportions is that 1. the ribcage is longer than the pelvis, and 2. the pelvis is wider than the ribcage.
Let me know if I don't make myself clear.
- Dwight
Asked for help
I haven't posted in a while, so I'll put some of my practice here. I've been trying to get better at inking, and doing this is sooo relaxing that I often spend all day "warming up" instead of learning something new.
As I look back to previous drawings each day, I try to correct something I did wrong previously. Big feet, small hands, etc. I felt were improving as long as I was consciously trying.
Faces, however we consistently bad. I'm not good at faces at any size, but as I'm drawing smaller than usual, they've turned out far below my standard.
I guess I'm asking if there's any advice for anyway to draw the face when small. I was trying to draw only the darkest parts such as eyelashes and brows, but it still didn't turn out that well.
Of course, if you have anything else to add I'd also like to know. I didn't add the reference as it'd take a bit, but if you're curious about a few I can find them and post them. I also understand that because of my laziness, it makes it a lot harder to critique. If this post doesn't get a lot of traction, I'll be sure to next time. Thanks!
- Dwight.
Hi @Dwight, nice studies! You've put down a lot of work! Overall I feel like these look pretty strong. They are carried by strong gesture and clear form.
- How often do you copy artwork that you admire? I think including that into your practicing will help you improve faster. You'll learn a lot of things that you probably wouldn't have discovered on your own. (I also think this is the answer to finding out how to draw faces on a smaller scale)
- As mentioned, the gesture and dimensionality look pretty strong, but the design of the forms of the figure are a bit wonky. The proportions are inconsistent, and sometimes parts are missing or attaching at the wrong spot, making the figures feel a bit broken. This is something I'm working on improving myself, which might be why I noticed it.
In your next set of drawings, build the figures out of clear pieces. They don't have to be mechanical and boxy, they can be round and organic. It's your choise. The important thing is that you think of the body as built out of clear pieces, to make yourself conscious of the design of the figure. With clear pieces you can compare proportions. When you've drawn the upper leg on one side, draw the other upper leg, and make sure both upper legs are mirrored versions of each other; attaching the same way and having the same size.
Having clear pieces can also help you avoid missing anything important, such as the waist piece for example.
I hope this helps :)
Asked for help
I'm not completely sure I am doing this right? I started by plotting some landmarks down using this guide, and then sort of continued after that like it was a more detailed gesture drawing. Could someone give me feedback? Thanks :)
Hey Jackc, I believe the landmark process is to get you to notice the underlying skeleton and therefore to get a better understanding of the body. You'll start to be able to differenciate between muscle that sits on of bone, and bone that sticks out from under the skin.
As to your drawing: it's gesture is perfect, and I'd would just like more thinking about the actual landmarks you see. It looks like you added points between some joints, and I'd recommend you do more of this (or just move on).
I'd say landmarks are the intermediate between gesture and anatomy, both of which are needed to create a realistic drawing. I'll attach my attempt of you reference if it helps. My left figure is the finished one, the right is my gesture.
Respond if you have questions.
- Dwight
Heather Houston
Asked for help
I need some feedback if possible. Thank you so much 😍 I know she has no hands 😉🤣
I'm not sure if I've illustrated it completely, but I noticed a couple of things.
1. The rib cage's center of mass is too high up. Remember that it's thickest about 2/3rds of the way down.
2. The lumbar section is a little long. A fist should fit between the Iliac crest and the bottom of the ribs in a neutral pose.
3. The clavicle connects to the scapula, not the humerus.
4. It may depend on what you wanted the arms to do, but I'd argue the scapula should be pushed out more. Remember that they can move independently of the rib cage.
I've tried to draw what I mean especially the pushed out scapula, but I'm not that good at drawing on my computer. Let me know if you need anything else.
- Dwight
Asked for help
I guess I stretch out my drawings to much. Also, organic forms are really hard.
Asked for help
Here is my third set for this assignment! Previously i had drawn a lot of side/back profiles so i focused on the front on this one. I think proportions are now my biggest issue since especially the first couple ones seem to suffer from long torso and/or leg syndrome.
Hello, if you'd like my advice, I'd try to make the torso/pelvis slimmer. I think the leg and torso lengths are okay, but if you're really worried, do more gesture.
I've attached my gesture to mannequinization that may help with keeping the flow as you think in 3D. It also has the torso reduction that I started this comment with. The negative space between the arms and ribcage is the correct shape, I'd just trim the body even more down.
Hope I help.
- Dwight