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added comment inProject - Notan Master Thumbnails
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Three value studies. Realized that I tend to make darker values midtones and midtones into darker values when they lay somewhere in between. This was a fun exercise! It also taught me a lot about how the masters spatially organized their paintings, especially Lepage and Rockwell. Really interesting to notice that!
Your shading looks really clean. I like how the texture of the paper comes through!
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This assignment introduced me to NC Wyeth and Dean Cornwell, who I want to adopt as art parents. I checked out a book from the library on Edward Hopper, and I’m hoping to use some of his works for more notan master study references.
This is one of my favorite Hopper paintings and I love your study! Such a great idea to create Notan studies of Hopper paintings since he was such a master at painting light.
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Cool abstractions! My favourite is the 9th one for sure, the most striking for sure. One critique I might give is to try practicing more even tones, some parts are a bit scratchy like the first image. Maybe a by-product of a small sketch (which is the point of a thumbnail :D ) but maybe something to improve in the future. Great work!
Stephanie N
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This was so much fun! I picked the farmers of Nuenen sketches made by Van Gogh. I love the thickness of the lines, the scratchiness. It was a good training for me to pick up the pencil after each line to avoid loops. I didn't try to recreate each line exact, just the vibe. Although the proportions are off and it was hard to mimic the darkness of the charcoal with a pencil, I kinda like it
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Day 28