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Here is my attempt at level 2. I disliked my 1st attempt at the large thumbnail of the woman - it looks worse than the small one that inspired it. So I tried again - I copied the small thumbnail, added additional values on top of it and when I was happy, I drew the larger thumbnail from it. I think I did a better job with the 2nd try.
I love the second one with his big ominous shadow behind him! Very effectful.
Here are my level 1 attempts. I must admit that the first attempt are my least favourite, but by the end it is hard to decide what to different from previous thumbnails.
Does someone here know how to do this in clip studio paint?
Right click the layer > new correction layer > gradient map You can then adjust mixing rate curve to give you a step instead of a smooth transition
Attached are my attempts at level 2. I did the assignment digitally this time - I had to try each pose multiple times and it was easier to erase this way. I think I got them roughly correct. In number 2 I am not sure if we see the bottom plane. I also think something is wrong with number 10, but I am not sure how to adjust it.
forgot to attach the drawing
Here are some of my attempts. At the end I have decided to see if I can do a human, but I still need more practice before it will look good.
Phu Le
I love to see the Seal and Lobster one. You did draw quite an accurate of both and the nice-looking blizzard. In my experience, you don't need to focus too much on the small details at this stage, making it as simple as possible, by and by we will tackle those details later. I have no comment on the man, 'cause I am still bad at drawing human. Overall, you did draw well on these sketches, keep it up!
Below are some of my more recent attempts. Not sure if the portraits are boxy enough.
Patrick Bosworth
Well done! The portraits feel nice and blocky, nice clean shapes. Keep it up!
Hello, Here are my attempts at heads 1-3 (I plan to do the rest over the week). I had some trouble deciding where the top of the box should be - should it follow the forehead ond leave the top poking out, or go up to the top and leave a lot ampty space inside? I also couldn't decide in picture 3 if I was seeing the bottom plane or not.
This was hard but fun. Struggled a lot with 6, 8 and 9. I was drawing lines parallel to the 'eyebrow line' and the 'lip line' to find the box edges.
Looks nice, especially number 3! In your drawing nr 2, it looks like the box is converging towards the viewer, not away. Some of the other examples dont look like boxes in perspective, but tapering boxes in perspective
julien Gaumet
Hi everyone ! After few attempts on paper, it felt so difficult I chose trying tracing over pictures first. Even like this it was quite a challenge. I did all the picture this way but posted only a few. As the picture number grew, I felt a little more confident. Please let me know if it feels right to you. On most picture, it was really difficult to find convergence between the lines because I was really influenced by parts on the face. When I switched my mind into “cross contour” mode, it helped in my opinion. Waiting for your opinion on these and I’ll try again on paper without pictures underneath ! Thank you guys for your help !
Looks nice. Some things that catch my eye: 2. The centreline should be going through the middle of the mouth and the base of the nose - I think yours goes too much to the right at the bottom. 10. Line for bottom of the face is following the jawline instead of the box. I think there should be a vanishing point on the left, relatively close to the page. 18. It feels like the top plane is too small - not sure why. 19. I feel like bottom corner of the box is too low? 7. The centreline is not going through the centre (too far to the left at the brow line)
My 2nd try, this time I have done it with a fineliner. Sadly, when going over pencil lines, I got confused what was in fron of what. I did some light cross hatching to try to take atention away from these mistakes. The lines are too wobbly. I get too focused on perspective that I slow down my strokes too much. I think the windowsill has the worst perspective errors here.
Johannes S.
Hey Tomek - Nice Design (i like the sink in the bed) ^^ ... there were a couple of lines that caught my eye - I noted them in the drawing. Little tip: if you want to find the middle of a converging plane - draw diagonals from corner to corner of that plane: it will give you the middle.
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