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Connor Tolan-Mask
added comment inProject - Measure Proportions
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It took a little over an hour of measuring to put down just the big shapes. Wanted to make sure the proportions, the positioning, and the angles were similar or close enough to move on to the smaller shapes.
Connor Tolan-Mask
Asked for help
All of these exercises are new to me, and they will now be something I use forever. Thanks Stan!
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I believe I did good with not paying too much attention to the contours. However, I believe that I started forgetting about using the tapered stroke in the beginning of the drawings, and it caused some of the line's to look shaky and anxious.
Connor Tolan-Mask
Asked for help
Pre-demo & Critique attempts. The laces on the boots were definitely a struggle. If I were to do it again, I would break them up into more curves and strokes, as well as making them lighter.
Connor Tolan-Mask
Asked for help
2nd Picture is my first attempt without watching the demo or the critique. The remaining are my 2nd attempt progress photos, after watching the demo and the critique. The halftones were definitely my achilles heel.