Brody Bohrn
Brody Bohrn
Activity Feed
Brody Bohrn
I had fun with this one! I feel like I didn’t make some of the torso box proportions could’ve been better.
Brody Bohrn
Here’s my treehouse for the level 2. I feel like I really struggled with the spiraling walk ways, but I assume it gets easier with time and practice. Any advice would we very appreciated.
level 2 tree house assignment, tried out a more elaborate design with the help of references.
Brody Bohrn
sooo cool! I love the shapes of the house and the tree
Brody Bohrn
I did a school bus for my vehicle. I tried to turn the front wheels to practice different vanishing points on cylinders in the same piece. I’m still a little weary on cylinders in perspective, mostly just with angling the elipse, does it look convincing? If not, any advice would be great!
Demetrio Cran
Hi! Great construction. I made a quick screenshot and annotations to show you that you did a great job and a not-that-good one in the same wheel! :-) The issue is in the "point" of the ellipse, it should be symmetrical and smooth, just as you did in the bottom part.
Brody Bohrn
Asked for help
This took a couple try’s, but I think I’m getting the hang of it. I found it easier for me to start with Stan’s bean shape to capture the torso, then building off of that. Any feedback or tips and tricks?
Brody Bohrn
Did another attempt, I feel like this one was more successful
Brody Bohrn
I did a study of a sketch by Normand Rockwell. The thing that drew me to this piece were all of his lost lines, the way they convey the looseness of the hair or the contrast of a brightly lit object. Had tons of fun!
maciek szczech
Great study!
Brody Bohrn
Here's my attempts at conveying the Hierarchy of Importance and Light and Shadow! I had fun with the Hierarchy of Importance but had a harder time trying to really force light and Shadow. I feel like I should've made the lines thicker where the highlights are sitting next to the darker areas, that could've given more contrast. Definitely gonna try again, had lots of fun!
Brody Bohrn
Went back and added to both of my attempts after watching the demo's. I'm still having a little trouble with conveying light and Shadow, but I'm just gonna keep practicing and apply this exercise to other models and pictures!
Billy Morris
Struggled a bit with this so I had to come back to it. It was hard too keep things consistent after I had an idea of how I wanted the bear to look but I think I got a bit better at that. The last three are from my second sitting.
Brody Bohrn
Very dynamic, I love it!
carla toms
Slowly acquiring a personality. Okay, i kind of stressed out over this assignment but i think i get it now— the more i draw them from imagination the more they’re acquiring a personality
Brody Bohrn
Looks like you're definitely starting to get it, good job! Just remembering to be loose and carefree is big.
Brody Bohrn
I did a Long tailed Indian Paradise Flycatcher. I picked this animal because of the feathers on the head and the long flowy tail. I love how much movement and gesture the tail conveyed. I could've been much more dynamic with the final drawing, but that's ok.
Brody Bohrn
Did a second one and tried to follow the assignment better. Trying to focus on keeping it loose and sketchy. I feel like this one is more dynamic and has way more character.
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