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Here I'm redrawing it from the video and applying it to another photo. What do you think?
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Hello! Here are my assignments in identifying landmarks. I'm also redrawing from the video of "Landmark Assigment Example 1-3".
This is hard but fun. I'm having trouble identifying the lean and tilt pose like the 4th picture.
I hope I can get some feedback this time. Feedback is very much appreciated. Thank you.
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Hello! This is a practice of drawing cylinders, boxes, and animals. Drawing animals is fun. What do you think? Feedback is welcome. Thanks.
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This is the practice of drawing bean again. What do you think? Feedback is welcome. Thanks.
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Hello! Here are some of my bean drawing pratice, any constructive comments would be very appreciated.
30 second sketches. I think I drew the pencil line too thin. Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you.
I think I drew the pencil line too thin. I really appreciate criticism and suggestions. Thank you.
I really like how you treat some of the transitions from the torso to the legs, I think you're pulling that off well, specifically in drawing 1, with the first study, and drawing 2 with the second study, to name a few.
Regarding crit, I would say that you're not always able to pull off the ribcage to the torso at times, where maybe the curve is too simplistic, specifically with drawing 2, third study (lady bending over). Like I think it makes sense that the curve is how you rendered it, it's just that you defined a rib cage, but didn't respect it in favor of a single curve. In contrast, the figure to the left also has a big curve, but you could distinguish that transition from the rib cage to the torso.
Hi everybody! I just started this course.
At first I watched the free version, until I finally paid for the premium access, but I couldn't access it by streaming, there was only the same image as the thumbnail without the play video button on the website.
Is this course not accessible for streaming only for download? Or is something wrong? Thank you.
hi, im about to buy it, is there any difference between the paid and free version apart from the 3 or 4 videos i see with the premium simbol?