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Painting with reference picture for inspiration - I didn't try to do it exactly the same as the reference but any suggestions the painting itself and how to improve it are welcome
I enjoy drawing people more than beans. I found trying to apply the bean to figure drawing more enjoyable than draw just beans. Any pointers on how I could do this better would be very appreciated. (Part 3)
nice job - I think you can exaggerate the lines of action even more (i.e. C curves) to convey more motion/weight
the beans I worked on so far - I could improve the design I think and stick to rounder shapes?
Here are some of the sketches I've done this week for the gesture lesson - I will add more pictures in the comments. Any help would be greatly appreciated - thanks!
I tried to show my progression - at first I was way too detailed and contour-focused (I think?) and then as I tried to simplify things I was still a bit self-conscious with my lines - After watching the criticism video, I tried not to care so much about making mistakes and using fewer lines in less time without worrying about proportions for the process to feel more intuitive and I enjoyed it more.
I think I am having some issues with proportions but they said this would come with time, hopefully - would you recommend for me to continue focussing exclusively on gesture sketches or would it be a good idea to now move on to the next lesson (and perhaps continuing to practise with the gesture every day as a warm up?)
Many thanks
Hi everybody! I just started this course.
At first I watched the free version, until I finally paid for the premium access, but I couldn't access it by streaming, there was only the same image as the thumbnail without the play video button on the website.
Is this course not accessible for streaming only for download? Or is something wrong? Thank you.