Activity Feed
Andrew Reed
Asked for help
Day 2 of the challenge done! Decided to try something a little more challenging for me….and may have gotten carried away and attempted some shading 😬 lol. Not happy with everything in my piece, but I do feel like I learned something from doing this one
Any feedback for improvement is always appreciated 😄
Andrew Reed
Day 1 of the challenge done ✅. Went with a childhood cartoon character I loved growing up lol. Any feedback for improvement is always appreciated 😄.
I love Gir!
If you want your drawings to look more animated and coehsive, find rhythms.
Drawing the different parts (the head, eyes, ears, legs, ect…) is important but, what is JUST as important is how those parts fit together.
Keep your marks long, light and loose, this will serve you well if you want to get into animation one day.
Andrew Reed
This assignment was definitely more challenging than I anticipated 😅. Especially the boots! I feel like I might have lost myself in the laces a bit, but overall feeling pretty good about the results!
The boots kicked my butt too! I think your laces look fantastic though. I also like how you solved the visible underside of the shell on the snail. Great job!
Andrew Reed
Asked for help
Second attempt at drawing the pear after some great feedback! My 8 year old daughter decided to join in on the fun this time too 😁 (second drawing attached). Any feedback for further improvement is always appreciated!
Andrew Reed
Hi all 👋! I’m a new beginner to the class and excited to be here 😄! Just finished the first assignment drawing a pear, and I’d love any feedback to help me improve.
Great start! The silhouette of the pear is solid although I might straighten out the bottom a little bit. Concave dents in the silhouette can flatten the drawing sometimes.
For this assignment, you want to organize the 5 values into big, simple shapes following the planes of the form. Good shape design is fundamental to drawing and painting.
Great stuff, thanks for sharing.