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Leandro Alli
added comment inHello I made another fanart,would like some critism.
Hey paper!
Cool concept! But a couple of things I would suggest you do first before attempting a painting like this.
First, I don't like the composition very much, even in the photo reference. I think that the top of the hat is too close to the top of the picture, and in your piece this proximity ended cutting part of her hair tie for no apparent reason.
I belive you should try and find a reference that has a more interesting composition and use the one you picked just for the cowboy itself.
Second, I would strongly suggest you do a couple of studies before attempting a painting like this. Especially a study of the cowboy. For example, look in the reference how his face, even in the snow, retains a warm tone and in your piece the girl looks very pale.
I like the idea, but I think you should break down the process a bit it will look much better overall.
Hopefully it was helpful, cheers!

Thanks for the critism,I'll keep it in mind for my next painting! :D
Leandro Alli
I think these look great! I would love to see more of those small shapes you used on 119 and 120 to give the drawing more life.
Also, since the image is small I couldn't see the hatching very well, but I would incentivize you to trying using more of it.
Check out REMBERT MONTALD for reference.
Hopefully it's helpful, cheers!
Leandro Alli
Hey Juan!
I think your work is beautiful! I really liked your light and dark design, I think the composition is very good and tasteful.
My feedback is more personal, there is nothing that feels off too me, just things I think it would make the painting look cooler.
I really miss some harder edges in the painting, some hard edges for the contours of the horses, to make them pop a bit more. And maybe some harder edges for the horses form.
And I think that the drawings of the horses could have used some straights lines aswell. I can see that you were going for a more realistic painting, but I think some straight lines, especially on the legs, would have made the drawing a bit more interesting.
Hopefully the feedback is helpful, cheers!
Leandro Alli
Hey Anubhav!
I'm not sure I understand what the pose is trying to achieve so I'm haveing difficulties drawing a manequinn to help you out.
I belive one thing is causing you trouble is the fact that the left forearm is out of proportion, it's too long. So the character may have to be bending more in order to achieve the pose you want.
I would recommend you draw the box of the torso first, try to draw a simplified manequinn on top to better understand his placement on the scene.
If you need help achieving that, I recommend Proko's lesson on the Robo Bean:
How to Draw Structure in the Body - Robo Bean
Hopefully it's helpful, cheers!
Steve Lenze
Hey Leanrdo,
I like your painting, and the separation of dark and light works really well. The things I noticed had more to do with perspective and design.
To start with, the flowers and rocks around the character are too uniform and evenly spaced. The flowers also look like they are just popping out of the ground without any leaves or foliage. Everything on the ground feels too separated and not enough of them are overlapping, loosing depth.
The other issue is the sheep, they are out of perspective. They do not look the right size in comparison with the stone henge rocks. They look way too big and out of proportion.
As far as the figure, I think she looks fine, but she lacks some gesture that could make her look a little more interesting. I did a quick sketch to show you about the perspective and the character, I hope it helps :)
Bro! Thank you so much! Amazing feedback @Steve Lenze .
I'm really glad you think the dark and light works well, that's something I always struggled a lot with.
I agree 100% with everything you said. Gesture is something I still have much to improve. I also knew there was something off with the sheeps and now that you mention it, It's very clear they are huge.
The perspective is off aswell, I can see it now. I was trying to make a hill like pic related for the background but I see how it didn't work the way I intended.
I will keep all of this in mind for my next paintings.
Thanks again! This helped a ton!
Leandro Alli
I think this is a great painting, I love the brushwork.
I found the reference online, a couple of things I noticed. The right side of your reference face is a big beautiful shape of light . I think you could have lifted the values of the right side of her face a bit for improved contrast.
Marco Bucci have a great video on this, using Sargent as an example.
Good Shapes - 10 Minutes To Better Painting - Episode 4
A couple of suggestions I would work on.
1. I think this shape is too bright, it created to much contrast. Check you reference how the value of this shape is darker than the light areas.
2. The mouth ended being a little bit off, I think you need to push it a little bit to the right.
3. I think the shapes of her cheeks ended being to sharp, maybe it was on purpose, I kinda like it. But I feel like the cheeks in the reference are much more smooth.
4. I think the upper eyelid ended being too flat, but this is easily fixable.
I really liked the painting overall, great study!
Thank you so much!! I will go and watch that video from Marco Bucci immediately!
Thanks for all your suggestions and tips. I will definitely improve from that 😄.
And yes these sharp cheeks were on purpose 😊. Again, thank you very much and have a nice day! Or night 😉
I'm happy with this painting but I'm not sure I achieved the goal of making something with a nice atmosphere, and if there were things I could have done to push it further.
I also focused a lot on trying to make a nice separation between the areas of light and dark.
I shared the whole process in my artstation.
Any critique and feedback are very welcome, cheers!
Leandro Alli
Hey Palyo!
Some of the face features have a nice render, I like the ears!
But as you mentioned, the proportions are a little bit off, I'm not sure you used a simple grid to help you place the face features, I would definetly recommend to use it if you didn't.
Another thing is that the shadows are too bright, don't be afraid to throw darker tones. For example, in you reference, if you squint your eyes, you'll see that his right cheek is darker than his left one. In you drawing,it feels like they have the same value.
I would definetly focus in proportions and values for the next portait.
Keep practicing! Cheers!
Leandro Alli
Very nice! Great proportions and very beautiful hatching. The face looks very beautiful.
I have two critiques, I belive the rib cage has too much contrast. My eyes immediately jumped to it. I think that you could simplify it a bit more, just like you did in other areas of the drawing. Maybe tone down the reflected light. And I think the edges of the ribs are a bit too hard aswell.
And my other critique would go the lower abdominal region, It's hard to see on the reference but I think that the abs ended up being too flat.
Great drawing overall! Cheers!
Leandro Alli
I clicked on your profile and saw a lot of good studies, great job!
What I'm going to recommend are things that worked for me. I think it's cool that you are trying to draw from imagination but I wouldn't focus too much on it right now.
I think that a larger scale study would be great for you, pick a good photo reference and a larger paper, just like Proko uses in his videos. Draw it in full grayscale and take your time with it. You will have a lot of room to work and I find it the best way to learn anatomy.
Another advice would be to start isolating body parts to work on, Just a pick a body part and try to understand it's structure with a little bit more depth, Proko videos are great for that.
And for my final advice, it helped me a lot to understand anatomy by trying to sculpt it. Traditional or digital.
Hope it helps, cheers!
Thanks Leandro! I’ll try doing large studies, sounds fun.
I have started going through anatomy part by part, I guess though for these my point with posting them was to figure out which parts I need to focus on especially