Looking for critique - digital painting
Juan Pedro Ramos Ponce
Personal piece. I also attach reference images used. Thanks in advance.
Nice painting Juan, I really like it. I agree with @Christopher Beaven about the composition. Maybe a little room for the brown horse, and all the little horses above his head all look the same size and kind of look like a horse hat.
I did a little sketch, I hope it helps :)
Thanks Steve! @Juan Pedro Ramos Ponce I also want to mention one of the best courses on composition that I've ever come across in my 47 years of art experience. https://courses.svslearn.com/courses/creative-composition
After taking this course and implementing what Will Terry teaches my compositions improved tremendously. They also have a free trial. Well worth the money.
Thanks so much for taking the time to do a paint over...I'm beginning to think the horse on the left doesn't work at all. I like the idea of a dark shape in that area. Probably the horse should be coming out of frame in another pose.
It's a great piece
The only thing I would say is that the white horse somewhat feels disconnected from the other ones
The main reason for that is the reflected light on it
Your reflected light is blue whereas there is no blue colored surface near him, and I dont see any brown light getting reflected from the other horses onto the white horse
Take care of that next time
Otherwise I like it
At first I didn't think the composition was good but I changed my mind. I like how you've framed the white horse and you've put the viewer right in the mix of the stampede. I feel the action and maybe even the rumble of the hooves.
The only part that I have criticism on is the brown horse on the left. It's head looks a bit squished on the left side. Maybe the proportions are off? Not sure there it just doesn't look right for some reason.
Sorry wish I could help more. It's a wonderful painting! Please post more!
Thanks a lot Christopher. I think the light (render) on the horse on the left is not working.
Hey Juan!
I think your work is beautiful! I really liked your light and dark design, I think the composition is very good and tasteful.
My feedback is more personal, there is nothing that feels off too me, just things I think it would make the painting look cooler.
I really miss some harder edges in the painting, some hard edges for the contours of the horses, to make them pop a bit more. And maybe some harder edges for the horses form.
And I think that the drawings of the horses could have used some straights lines aswell. I can see that you were going for a more realistic painting, but I think some straight lines, especially on the legs, would have made the drawing a bit more interesting.
Hopefully the feedback is helpful, cheers!