Ahmed Salahuddine
Ahmed Salahuddine
Art is my drug of choice
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Ahmed Salahuddine
looking forward to this one! I am not an illustrator, but I am looking for creative means to express my voice and ideas with traditional painting mediums through a creative ways and avoid linear interpretation of ideas through the visual language. Do you recommend the course given those goals?
Ahmed Salahuddine
Love notan sketches. Critique welcomed
Ahmed Salahuddine
My trial after watching the demos and critique, practicing both the overhand grip and line quality + being flowy
the first two picture I really do like. Nice use of line weight and the poses look very good and clear. On the other two images you weren't as deliberate with your line weight imo. Other than that I love those
Ahmed Salahuddine
definitely looking forward to more rhythm practice!
Melanie Scearce
Dynamic and well balanced gesture drawings! Keep up the good work :)
Ahmed Salahuddine
Good stuff. Really subtle with the details but the add so much to your shapes. great stuff
Martha Muniz
Awesome work, Ahmed!
Great line quality, interesting shapes
Ahmed Salahuddine
Looks clean. I like the structure in the nose
Ahmed Salahuddine
For critique I put both pictures beside each other through collage option via any application. It does a good job
Ahmed Salahuddine
Ahmed Salahuddine
Line Master Studies 1- After @davemalanart  2-After @glenkeaneprd  3-After @glenkeaneprd  4-After @charles_dana_gibson  @Martha Muniz what do you think
Siv Nilsen
Wow, really well done! I like how you have managed to vary the line weight in the first one in order to be appropriate for each part you are drawing. And also you managed to keep the lines very quick and rough on the third one whilst keeping the structure of the figure. The other two are also really good. You captured the quality of the originals.
Ahmed Salahuddine
Hey @Martha Muniz What do you think? Happy new year!
Martha Muniz
Hi Ahmed, happy new year! I think it's looking pretty good as a whole. Something you could do for the Hierarchy version is to continue emphasizing the outline of the rhino. Right now, the outline seems to be about the same weight as some inner wrinkles and face features, which makes it compete against a fair amount of detail, but adding a thicker outline can make the figure as a whole pop and add more range to your line weight variation. For the Light and Shadow version, I would recommend darkening the area near the face and lightening the wrinkles near the back a bit more, to really communicate that the light is coming from behind.
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