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added comment inProject - Cross Contour on Organic Forms
Asked for help
First three attempts I wasn't really sure if I was supposed to add the cross contour lines just up and down or side to side
Looking good! The cross contours on different axes aren't a requirement to show 3D form but they can help show depth and orientation. This is an example of how you can organize them using your ginger root as an example. By simplifying the ginger root into planes, we can easily find the contours of the x, z, and y axes.
This one was pretty fun I thought it came out not too bad but some of my lines do curve a bit and the x-ray vision worked pretty well same with the x trick
I'm not used to ballpoint pen it was super messy but here's my first attempt I will definitely be doing this a lot more it was super fun
Asked for help
I've done this assignment a couple times and I think I need some help with it