Michael Hampton
Michael Hampton
Educator, painter, writer, and art historian. Author of Figure Drawing: Design and Invention.
Activity Feed
The depth of your knowledge, the quality of your critiques and the clarity of your communication is incredible, Michael. These videos are priceless. I really hope you end up doing a constructive anatomy course on Proko at some point. I'll be first in line if you do.
Michael Hampton
Thank you so much. I really appreciate that.
Nick Quason
Some more difficult than others but I feel good about these, learned a lot. I don't want to bother too much for a critique as I feel I understand the concepts pretty well, just need more mileage. But if anything, I'm struggling with finding the right head orientation (tilt and major axis for the ellipse) as if I don't get these foundational lines right, the rest falls apart. I'm not sure where I'm supposed to look at to deduce these; more often than not it's only when i start to place the jaw, the brow line, etc that I realize these angles were wrong and I'm starting over.
Michael Hampton
Nicely done. Watch the critique video. I think I cover these issues in a way that might help. Otherwise, the drawings look solid.
Great lesson. Took my drawing from the Fully Constructing a Head from Scratch lesson and followed along. Thanks Michael, do you have any new courses in the pipeline? In the meantime I will contruct more heads and also return to the figure contruction course.
Michael Hampton
Nicely done! Actually, I did record a course on Gesture drawing that should release through Proko at some point. Otherwise, really nice work. Keep it up
What do you think about these extra lines on the face? Too much or ok? Am I missing anything very important ? Also I love ur course
Michael Hampton
Looking good!
I wanted to ask your advice Micheal. I am having a very hard time digesting and retaining the information on the features. There is a lot of complexity in a very small area and committing it to memory is difficult for me. Do you have any suggestions from when you first started learning this information that might help?
Michael Hampton
It's just repetition. You can definitely do it if you want. But take it in small pieces. Learn one thing, get comfortable with it, build confidence, and then move to the next piece. It does take time though so try and enjoy the process and be patient.
Two things: Any tips on accurate head shapes? If I make the head too skinny or wide early on, the rest of the body will have the wrong width. Second, we seem to be missing the part for the legs. This was very helpful and the top half of the body is definitely the most complicated, but I feel like it's still important to have the rough lengths of the legs included here. It looks like some folks may have already known these proportions or got the rest of this from the book?
Michael Hampton
The head shape should determine the rest of the build. In the proportion lecture I begin with the head and build everything out from that measurement. The torso width, in other words, is directly related to my starting proportion. I only give the rough proportion here for the legs as this isn't intended to be a skeleton lecture, just something to support construction. Otherwise, I always put the knee 1/2 between the bottom of pelvis and foot.
I’m consistently having trouble on where to put the spheres for the eye balls in the socket. I initially did this before seeing yours was different. Can you please explain?
Michael Hampton
I center the eye placement on the halfway line between brow and socket. Your sphere looks like it's placed beneath.
Michael Hampton
Michael Hamptonadded a new premium lesson
That was an amazing and super-insightful lecture and demonstration. Thanks for adding this, Michael.
Michael Hampton
Glad you enjoyed it!
Michael Hampton
Michael Hamptonadded a new premium lesson
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