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Jan D.
added comment inLooking for portraits critique and suggetions
They look great to me tbh:D The only thing I could maybe say is that you could try to clean them up a little more around the face/focal point. Unless they are just quicker practice then great job!:)
Myrto Androni
i agree i think maybe you could try and use more clean shapes of colour !
Myrto Androni
thank you so much for featuring my work and a big congrats to all the winners!!!
Here is my submission for the self portrait challenge and actually my first self portrait ever. Had a blast painting all these intense blue and yellow hues. I chose to use the pasta strainer as a prop due to its reflective surface to challenge myself. Really loved the process!!!
Oil paint on linen canvas 50x40
instagram: the_odd.mrt
That's pretty darn good for a first self-portrait! The blue hues are amazing and nice work on the metal sheen of the pot.