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Do you know of any good color theory books?
Can you apply the Loomis method to animal heads?
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The book Imaginative Realism also states that artists with skill and imagination have endless opportunities. I have the imagination, but I lack the skill. Of course I know through endless practice and study, along with patience, I'll develop the skills to put my imagination on paper or canvas, but sometimes I get so frustrated that I have these awesome ideas but lack the skill to bring these creations to life. Any advice on how to stay motivated and not get so discouraged?
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I am currently reading the book Imaginative Realism and it mentioned that copying or studying from old masters is a great way to understand how to construct your own works of art. Of course the book has mentioned various masters who I plan to check out, but I was wondering does anyone know of any masters I could study from whose work centered around fantasy and horror? Of course I know there are many artist who do this kind of work, but to try and narrow it down, masters whose work centered around horror. Thanks.
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