Stylization Exercise with Loish (Livestream)

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I'm going live on the Proko channel to show you an exercise where I'll be trying two different stylization approaches to the same study. It's a good jumping off point to talk about departing from a reference photo and different ways to stylize. Demo is done using procreate on the ipad. I'll also be joined by Stan and we'll be taking question from the Proko community so please submit any questions you have in the comments.

I've also got a kickstarter campaign going on right now for my 3rd art book The Style of Loish: Finding An Artistic Voice!

During the creation of my first artbook, I knew that I wanted this series to extend to three books. I’m a huge fan of trilogies, but more importantly, I wanted this book series to convey not just how I create, but why I create. With The Style of Loish, I hope to dive deeper into the “why” of my artistic process by exploring what motivates my creative choices and how I developed my visual style.

Thank you for your continued support, and I hope you will consider backing this project!

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