Perspective is quite scary... If you do it wrong, your work can look childish! There’s just so much that goes into perspective and it would take an entire course to cover it all ;) **hint hint*** While you wait for Marshall’s course, here are some tricks for drawing spheres and pumpkins in perspective.
Shelvs Fleurima
Katt Scratches
Your lessons are always my favorites.
Romana Vysanska
So instructive, clear and fun :) way of explanation. I really enjoyed the video, cannot wait for the online perspective course. I would have 2 questions. First, and I suppose it is a part of perspective lectures already available on your web (just haven't chance to watch them yet), anyway, is there a rule to "calculate" distance of lines going across the sphere/pumpkin (if they are intended to be regular)? And second; might I ask what kind of pen do you use at the end of the video? Thank you
Bert Haelvoet
When will your Perspective course be online @Marshall Vandruff ?

Macario Lopez
I would love to know that too, @Marshall Vandruff do you have an estimated date for it's release?