Romana Vysanska
Romana Vysanska
Prague, Czech Republic
Activity Feed
Romana Vysanska
Hi Stan, thank you so much for the informative video. Above all, it made me smile :). Thank you I needed that. All your courses, I've purchased, are actually amazing, really thought through as far as the structure and content are concerned. The best
Romana Vysanska
Sold :). Dear Andrew, I'm really looking forward to take your Figure Sculpting Fundamentals course. I was wondering, if the premium course will include critique/feedback for the assignments or even a sort of mentorship? Thank you
Andrew Joseph Keith
Yes! The students that submit their assignments will have a chance of being featured in the critique videos and I’m happy to help students as much as I can.
Romana Vysanska
love the new website. it really pulls you in. so engaging, inspiring and motivating. Great Great work. thank you for all your effort.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Asked for help
what sculpture related question would you like answered in an upcoming video?
Romana Vysanska
Dear Andrew, first of all let me say, how happy I am that Proko has you as an instructor. I have several questions (I might be repeating queries of others, hoping to increase their chance for the answers :). What materials, tools and learning methods/sources, would you recommend for an absolute beginner? What would you recommend regarding materials, tools and learning sources for somebody who wants to learn to create small sized figurines? Do you have any experience with making molds? If so, what material(s) is suitable for making sculptures that are then used to make molds? Do you have any experience with using molds to create resin or porcelain sculptures? Do you have any experience with painting finished sculptures of polymer clay or resin or porcelain? Thank you :)
Romana Vysanska
It's is amazing how gestural literally moving the sculpture - a solid object - can be. Great work.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey thanks! Yeah the movement is really Important to me.
Katey Jensma
Hi @Romana Vysanska ! There are no "qualifications" it really is just a curation of art that Stan likes on Instagram.
Romana Vysanska
I see. Thank you very much for your answer, Katey. Appreciate your time. :)
Romana Vysanska
added a new topic
prokotv instagram
Hi Stan, just really wanted to thank you for curating prokotv. I was wondering, how do you select the pictures? I mean; how does the feed of pictures "comes" to you and what qualifies to get in? thank you
Romana Vysanska
Hi, I would like to ask for a critique of below Robo Bean sketches. Thank you very much in advance for your time.
This is really good work, @Romana Vysanska! Overall, your robo-bean drawings look well-structured and cohesive. Also, your linework feels pretty confident. A few thoughts: . In 1, even with the foreshortening, I think the upper box of the robo-bean should be just a bit bigger. . In 2, the two boxes should closer together (for reference, the distance between ribcage and pelvis is only about the same as a person's hand width). Also, notice you changed the angle of the pose slightly - I don't think it's a problem, and even less if you did it consciously, just something to be noted. . 3 and 4 look good to me! . In 5 and 6, I'd say the upper box should be just a bit shorter. For reference, keep in mind that, in a neutral pose, the lower box's length should be about 3/4 of the upper box's. Hope this helps!
TeResA Bolen
Hi, @Romana Vysanska . =) I saw your messages in the gesture area. I’m sorry that I cannot help you with this directly, but there are two things you can do to help bring in people to help. One is to check the box that is marked “post as help request“. One of the teachers has been going out of his way to looks for these, and he’s even offered in the Community section while we’re in beta testing if you tag him, so I’ll go ahead and tag him for you so you don’t have to wait for another cycle since we’re all spread out all over the world, @Liandro Roger . Good luck!
Romana Vysanska
Hi, I would like to ask, if I can post Robo-bean exercises for feedback here? Or as a premium member I should rather use facebook group, or email to submit@proko? thank you
Romana Vysanska
No need to answer. I just found out, that each lesson has its own discussion tab.
Romana Vysanska
I am aware this is the place for reporting bugs, but... For one, I am still in the phase of orientation. And secondly, I haven't encountered with any troubles (well, once I couldn't see the very left edge of the screen, but the problem solved itself, when I closed and opened the tab). So far my overall experience is, I just love Proko 2.0. I really appreciate the structure and having all (my classroom courses – updated with critiques as not all were there when I bought the courses, new posts, feedback to other students works, and much more) at one place. I feel like being a part of a community. For me it is an unprecedented and just great opportunity for communication, inspiration, motivation and possibility to grow. Thank you
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