Painting a Model from Life Hosted by Ethan Becker (LIVESTREAM)

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Stan Prokopenko
Leave questions for us before the stream starts! Join Leon Okun, Joseph Todorovitch, Natalia Aandewiel, Natalia Fabia and myself as we paint a girl in a Ukrainian dress in the Proko studio. Hosted by Ethan Becker!
I had forgotten how much I dislike Ethan Becker... thank you for reminding me!
i wish there was a dislike button for this comment
Debbie Wachel
How do you buy one of the paintings? Are they listed somewhere?
Kristian Nee
Yeah! Go to to find them
Stan I discovered your work during the pandemic while trying to become Picasso for my son. This is such an amazing cause, nothing like trying to give back to those who made you who to you are. I look forward to taking your figure, and anatomy drawing courses in the next couple of months.
What an amazing opportunity to see so many of you guys doing it what you do best for a good cause.
Sylvester Massey
What's the difference between A successful professional Artist and a wanna be?
Chiara Marker
At what point did you know you were "ready" for a job in the art industry/"ready" for freelancing/"ready" to pursue art professionally as a career and why did you feel "ready" in that moment? ^-^
Octavio Magno
Good afternoon everyone! I have a question for you all. In your opinion, what makes a good teacher and what makes a good student? What actions does he/she take? And, on the flip side, what makes a teacher or student bad? Thank you!
Sylvester Massey
Proko what's that sword for in the background, can you share the history behind that sword?
Is there somewhere we can learn the Russian academic method in person other than repin academy?
Sylvester Massey
Question - what advice would you give upcoming artists to know, you wish you did early in your life to do solo art shows and sell paintings to collectors?
Zoungy Kligge
This smoothly became Kristian's crazy questions! Here's one: would you shave half your head for $150.00
Carlos Javier Roo Soto
QUESTION: Do you think is harder for visual artists to succeed on YouTube now compare to when Stan started his Channel? Should artist even bother with YouTube right now?
Leon ter Molen
Will there be a course about the muscles of the face?
arthur whelan
Excellent question and I for one would be interested
QUESTION: Will we be seeing more of Leon on proko? He seems like a great teacher and so far his explanations and answers have been very easy to understand.
Carlos Javier Roo Soto
QUESTION: So, do you people actually like Christian or do you hate him? Because sometimes I feel like you just keep him around to bully him now that Skelly is gone.
Daniel Evans
What limited palette would you recommend for portrait?
Lynda Flannery
What type of 'thinner' or medium is usually used?
Charlotte Bech
What kind of easel would you recommend for a beginner? I.e good value for money. What is important to consider buying the first easel?
Michael Havis
Good on Stan and the fellow artists for doing this paint-a-thon for Ukraine!
Can you post a picture of the model and a time amount so we can draw and post on IG with the hashtag (suggestion #livingsessionwithProko ) ? I love living drawing sessions and it would be awesome to draw along with you guys and post our art with the community ;)
Jan D.
yeah would be cool if they posted a higher res version. They did show a photo for a sec or 2 and i snapped it on the live show:D It's cool to paint along. It's only 720p tho:P
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