Activity Feed
Michael Havis
added comment inProko Skull Challenge - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
My name is Skully. I am Skelly’s evil step-twin. I actually don’t understand how it is possible to be a ‘step’ twin – but I am. My skull is elongated because I am part extraterrestrial. I do have an evil power. I can melt things with my eyes. Well, not actually my eyes – because I don’t have eyes. I can melt things with my eye sockets. I have EVIL EYE SOCKET MELTING POWER! To tell the truth – my melting ability is not that great. I can really only melt things like cheese or ice cubes (it takes a long time to melt an ice cube though). But I can make great grilled cheese sandwiches. And I can also melt butter onto toast if you would like some. This guy Mike did this pastel portrait of me. Mike was a student of Stan's some years ago. Although Stan may not want to admit it after seeing this drawing that Mike did...
Cyril Cory
Haha nice (this evil step-twin kinds of remind me of Bender in Futurama, I'm not sure why..
Roxane Lapa
You have a great sense of humour, thanks for the laugh :)
Good on Stan and the fellow artists for doing this paint-a-thon for Ukraine!
I had the pleasure of being instructed in-person by Stan. Forgive me if I missed it - what size paper are you working on? Mike Havis