Lo-Fi Beats for Artists to Draw/Paint to

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Stan Prokopenko
New album just dropped!
David Greycat
I am hoping for rain so I can study more...
the one at 32 minutes is my favorite
Camilo Garcia
Omg I just listen to this NEAT! Release it on Spotify please
le ka
Love it.
Dudts Draws
I love it... but marshall is way more handsome than that !!
Ernesto Palma
The artistic loving grampa, wish I had him growing up. Marshall IS the vibe.
David Yaqub
This is the vibe for 2022 🤩
Jon Passig
I didn't know how much I needed an hour of Marshall positivity lo-fi to help me draw
coffee drawing lol☕
Zoungy Kligge
A new level of amazing👑
Peter Cohen
Lola Edgar
hahaha I love that Marshall's beautiful dump truck showed up!
Dorian Iten
Phoenix Baldwin
I do always draw better when I have Marshall in the background.... let's see how this goes haha. Love all the little animations going on too! Everyone's here - Marshall, horse, garbage truck...
Shelvs Fleurima
Listening to this - so cold right now. Yet I am at peace
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