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I'm thinking of buying this course, is it completed?
I have been observing this course comment section to determine whether I purchase or not. Its clear that there has been no response from proko team on whats going on with the rest of the course. I am a bit discouraged
We're really sorry about the delay. David was unresponsive for a while as we were trying to get the final video for that last page from him, but I'm happy to say that he just recorded the last bit of that final page and sent it to us so we'll be able to pick up from that third page and finish it out very soon.
yeah feels bad, I'll never ever pre-purchase anything again, creators just lose interest to finish courses that fade over time with new fresh recruits buyin it.
What's even more troublesome is no response from neither David or Proko team, change the system guys, we don't want to see Proko as an cashgrab site throwing all kinds of courses around spreading yourselves too thin not being able to finish em and respond to simple questions about the update.
does anyone know why the course ends with just the layout of page 3? dave showed us the entire process for the first two pages, then just the layout for page 3, the end? seems kind of abrupt
Did they ever finish this course it’s hard to tell. I just got an email promoting it, which is insane if it was never finished.
I'm writing a comic book and looking for artists/story developers. if interested msg me on discord @epicsavant2
What's happening to this course? Why there's no communication with staff members?
Hey, a question regarding speech bubbles and I suppose a request to include in a future lesson:
How do you tackle making the bubbles the right size for the text that is to go inside them. Do you write a scribble of the text before sketching the bubble or just build intuition for it? How do you keep bubble sizes consistent, so that if the same size of text is used (mostly), the padding around the text doesn't vary a distracting amount.
Yes, you do find the spot for bubbles on the design/layout stage and actually sketch out the dialogue before inking. But you've probably figured it all out in the last 8 month the course mentor has been ignoring you??? Is that how it works here on Proko?
Glad I saw you question (and the lack of answer for it) before buying the course, thank you!
Hi, I was just wondering whether this course is complete or not it says up to 30 and now there's 30 video. I mean ill still get it later on if it is finished was just wondering cause there are other courses out there for much cheaper.
Hi, does anyone know if this course is complete? The last video (video 29 at this point) references an upcoming video, but I'm wondering if this course has just been abandoned by Proko and team.
Hello, this is a really great course. Will there be any new videos uploaded this month?
Once again, aren’t we suppose to get a new lesson a week? It’s already Friday and no new lesson has been posted. Also there are many people asking for pointers and expert advice on drawing comics, is David ever going to jump in and answer the student’s questions?
Hey there, editor here! The goal is one lesson a week, though every once in a while we'll need to skip a week to work on more complicated episodes. Some lessons are just way more time intensive to edit than others so we didn't want to put any hard dates on anything, sorry for the mistake in communication. I'll ask our web team if we can do a better job labeling the frequency of video releases for our live courses like this one so we can better match everyone's expectations.
On a side note, we are skipping an episode this week so we can get the next few all tightened up together.
@lelashiba18 Regular feedback from the instructor is not included in this course, however, there will be multiple Critique lessons, focusing on student work chosen by @David Finch
Aren’t we supposed to have one lesson a week? It’s now Wednesday and there’s still no new lesson up for this week, even though it’s been a full week since the first lesson. When exactly can we expect new lessons by each week? Also, several people have asked how many lessons are there going to be total and no one from the proko team has responded. We deserve to know what exactly our $100+ paid for. Can someone please respond and answer our questions?
Hi @lelashiba18! The second lesson was posted this morning. There will be at least 30 lessons for this course, with the goal being one lesson published per week.
I don't even mind waiting that much, as long as there's some communication about what's going on.
How many lessons per week will it be?
hi there, just purchased it yesterday, what time does it go live for us? I'm est time zone us
I wonder why no one from proko team answering our questions :(
Hi @Rinaldo Ishak I am sorry we didn't answer these questions sooner. This course will include at least 30 lessons, the goal is to have one lesson published per week.
How much content will be in this course (hours/etc.)?
We do not have an exact hour count yet, because the course is still in production but there will be at least 30 lessons for this course, the goal is to have one lesson published per week.
Creating a Comic Page