Working from Home – Draftsmen S2E00

Draftsmen Podcast

Season 2(36 Lessons )

Working from Home – Draftsmen S2E00

Mark as Completed

Working from Home – Draftsmen S2E00

Mark as Completed

The Draftsmen podcast is back and boy has a lot happened since season 1. In this episode Marshall and Stan talk about teaching online, working from home, staying sane, getting to know your neighbors, boosting your immune system, staying positive, social distancing parties, and how things will change going forward.

This was a special last-minute episode to kick start the season. We pre-recorded a series on recreating art school from home (total coincidence), so we will be publishing those throughout the next 2 months. We’re happy to be back for season 2 and reconnect with you guys!

“Draftsmen” is available in audio. Subscribe on these platforms to keep up to date: Spotify, Stitcher, Apple, Google

Referenced Artists/Works:

Dorian Iten

The Daily podcast

Wim Hof method

Ray Bradbury

ray bradbury

ray bradbury fahrenheit 451

ray bradbury the martian chronicles

The Cinderella Homes of Jean Vandruff

cinderella homes book cover

Shaun of the Dead

shaun of the dead
Gift Cards
Gift card for art students to use on anything in the Proko store
About instructors
Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
I Write, I Draw, I Teach
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