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tay mon
Asked for help
I'm having trouble doing exercise number 3 @@, anyone have any tips?
if you haven't already tried, I did a few practices on a 2 point perspective grid to try to train my eye to notice tapering before I attempted without a grid.
Asked for help
I avoided the object drawing of this assignment, and took a long time doing the 10 items, that I almost forgot to attach the subtraction and addition aspects (°ー°〃) Really struggled to get through this assignment.
Asked for help
Was a lot more uncertain about the stretched and squashed shapes than I had expected. This assignment felt like it bent, twisted, and squished my brain TToTT
Irene Kael
This is is good! By far to me the easiest thing to draw is the cylinder, I can draw boxes as their normal form but twisting and bending them is kinda hard. How'd you manage to twist and bend your boxes ;-; ~
Asked for help
This assignment definitely was a challenge for me. I'm uncertain about my success with the 3 point perspective and multi-VP page, especially.
Asked for help
Hello. Here is my assignment work. I've always struggled with cylinders, but the book recommendation plus the instructional video above I think has helped a lot. The HL and VP for the 1 point perspective is near the center and slightly up. The HL for the 2 point perspective is very high up, and I tried shifting VPs labeled with A, B, C, D.
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