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tay mon
added comment inCylinders
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I'm having trouble doing exercise number 3 @@, anyone have any tips?

if you haven't already tried, I did a few practices on a 2 point perspective grid to try to train my eye to notice tapering before I attempted without a grid.
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I avoided the object drawing of this assignment, and took a long time doing the 10 items, that I almost forgot to attach the subtraction and addition aspects (°ー°〃) Really struggled to get through this assignment.
This is is good! By far to me the easiest thing to draw is the cylinder, I can draw boxes as their normal form but twisting and bending them is kinda hard. How'd you manage to twist and bend your boxes ;-; ~
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This assignment definitely was a challenge for me. I'm uncertain about my success with the 3 point perspective and multi-VP page, especially.
Hello. Here is my assignment work. I've always struggled with cylinders, but the book recommendation plus the instructional video above I think has helped a lot. The HL and VP for the 1 point perspective is near the center and slightly up. The HL for the 2 point perspective is very high up, and I tried shifting VPs labeled with A, B, C, D.