Rib Cage Assignment Example - Back View
Rib Cage Assignment Example - Back View
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Anatomy of the Human Body

Torso(163 Lessons )

Rib Cage Assignment Example - Back View


Rib Cage Assignment Example - Back View

Cal Stanback
I’m just excited to have gotten this far got a lot of work to do but it’s worth taking this course. Added a memory drawing
Steve Lenze
Hey Cal, nice job on this from memory, it's pretty hard. The one thing you need to keep in mind is the curve of the spine, the neck in particular. What you have is too straight and it's attaching to the skull in the wrong place. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
Manuel Rioja
Back view assigments
Again, followed along with the example video & then did some of my own!
Jesper Axelsson
Nice! Anatomy is looking pretty good! - I've made this up myself, but when I study the 3D model it looks like the 12 ribs' attachment at the back is halfway between the sternum and bottom of ribcage. Maybe a useful hint. - The primary volume feels a bit wobbly. Before drawing the detailed contour, draw the egg shape and wrap an equator line around it (you could add two more if you want, one vertical dividing left and right, and another vertical dividing front to back.) This came to mind when I imagined a ring being wrapped around the ribcages it it felt like it would be wobbly. Hope this helps :)
Mirelle Guillén
Hi, I include my drawings for the back view examples and a couple of notes based on the very helpful critique by @Liandro :)
My finished back ribs studies
Sandra Süsser
Rib cage studies back view and a small update (work in progress) on my playing card game where I use the knowledge I gained from these lessons and other learning material :)
Sarvesh Gupta
Example copy
Nihi Sus
even more homework...
Rick B
Followed the Video examples
Rib Cage Back View. Mine is on the left and I followed Stan's on the right. Critiques welcomed.
Thanks for the in put Jesper, always appreciated.
Jesper Axelsson
Looks good! - I would recommend drawing through the forms just like Stan does. I've found it really helpful to be able to identify the sternum in a back view - In the first image, I think the 12th rib is attaching to high up on the spine. The twelvth rib attaches to the 12th thoracic vertebrae right before we reach the lumbar section. It has helped me to think of the ribcage and the thoracic portion of the spine as a single unit; the thoracic portion of the spine is tucked into the ribcage and they both share the same c-curve arc. Hope this helps :)
Wil Stark
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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