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Study GroupHello fellow art learners, trying to get a group of people together to form a little study group! This is for dedicated learners who want to improve their skills… with critiques from others etc. if ur interested send me a message and i will link over the discord!
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Hey everyone! I’m looking for critiques on these drawings! 30 minutes studies trying to focus on proportions and gesture! So if i could get feed back on those areas that would be appreciated thank you !
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Hi everyone! I would appreciate some feedback on these couple of tracings! Have I got the anatomy right here
I am a big fan of drawing a hundred of something! Excellent effort and practice. Looking really solid!
Asked for help
Hi everyone, I tried to do 2 min gesture drawings and would really appreciated feedback on what I could better and if I should add more time to gesture drawings? Thank you!
This is nice start, I can see you are trying to find the centre line and the lines of action. Try and keep your lines decided and a little less scratchy & think about where the weight is (eg.5 looks like the model is falling) I recommend the video Stan recently did on rhythms, I found this really helpful! Also in future try not to get your shadow in the picture. Good work, keep drawing!