Practice: Refined HTB Head
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The Shading Course

Module 8 - How to Invent Shading

Practice: Refined HTB Head

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Practice: Refined HTB Head

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In this project, we'll take your "HTB Head" project to the next level and make it look real. It's time to apply everything you've learned so far!



Continue with your previous project, following these steps:

  1. Head Design – Draw your own head design or build it in a 3D program like Blender. Keep your design simple! This is important. Every surface you add will create a lot of additional work when you start shading. Only use flat surfaces for now. Except for the eyes, which should be half-spheres. Then apply Halfway-to-Black shading, reassess, and make any adjustments if necessary.

  2. Cast Shadows – Draw an estimation of the cast shadows on the floor and within your head. You can use a 3D program or simple objects around you to set up a maquette to help you find the cast shadow shape. It doesn't need to be perfect, just convincing. 

  3. Halftone Planes – Double-check if the value you've chosen for your halftone planes makes sense with the light direction in your drawing. Adjust the value if necessary. 

  4. Ambient Occlusion – Now the fun part starts! Add the occlusion shadows within the form shadow and cast shadow.

  5. Reflected Lights – Add reflected lights to your image. Remember to keep them subtle! Dark materials barely reflect any light. 

  6. Polish – Clean up anything that bothers you in your image. You can also add subtle bevels along the edges of the forms. If you like, you can also include a little specular reflection to your material.

  7. Post – Upload your image.

Meet these Challenges

  • Include all modeling factors.
  • Carefully consider and draw occlusion shadows.
  • Keep your reflected lights subtle.


This project should take 2–4 hours to complete.

Additional Examples

Maria Bygrove
I wasn't sure about two of the stages of this process...
I'm not particularly happy with how I did these, but I'm not sure I can pinpoint exactly what's wrong with them. I will probably revisit this and do some more refined HTB heads.
I am not good enough to tell you what's wrong with it, but it's really good
Samuel Sanjaya
My refined htb head assignment. Still have trouble in determining the placement and shapes of the cast shadow. Any feedback/critiques will be greatly appreciated.
Karlo H.
Build the head in Blender. Feel like i sticked too much to the Blender File. The Spontaneity of the sketch disappeared somehow in the process. And yes the Worm had to have a comeback :-)
Félicia Gagnon
Tony Vu
Here's my new attempt. I think I did better than last time
Laura Barr
I felt the power of AO directly!
Tony Vu
Here's what I have done so far. I'm still not happy with it, and I'll likely revisit it. For now I'm going to do other practice lessons to sharpen my understanding of light some more. I've also included an image of a rough maquette I used to help guide my lighting
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Former program director at Barcelona Academy of Art. Passionate about teaching craft and exploring the inner game of art.
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