

After I move on from this, I have some drawings based of the neck. The other ones are done from imagination. Critique is welcome

I need help with these. I only have access to the free version so.
These are lookin pretty good! Double check your proportions of the middle portrait. I think you foreshortened the head a bit too much, and the neck is a bit short. Check and measure your negative space around the head and neck areas for both the references you have posted here. You'll start to see where you can make corrections. Keep it up!

Manuel Rioja

Max Franken
I have a question regarding this assignment. It’s regarding the larger tubular muscle right next to the sternal part of the sternocleidomastoid. I’m not sure if it’s the clavicular portion op the sternocleidomastoid or if it’s one of the scalenes (medius, or even anterior).
To me it looks too much lateral (and shaped tubular) to be the clavicular portion of the SCM. It looks like stan is also indicating it to be the scalene and not the SCM, because in between the two there is a very light indication of what appears to be the clavicular part of the SCM.

Hi Max
I believe it's the clavicular portion of the SCM muscle, because it attaches to the medial third of the clavicle. Also, Stan draws 3 muscles between the SCM and the trapezius. From what we learnt from previous lessons, they are (top to bottom) the splenius capitis, the erector spinae, and the scalenus medius.
You can watch Stan draw the scalenus medius on 6:53.
I believe the lateral side of the clavicular portion seems like a tube, because it stretches more than the medial side.
Good luck in your anatomy studies.
Marco Sordi
2021/7/25. Good morning everybody. Here's my first and second attempt for this section's assignment. Thanks for any advice or suggestion. Have a good Sunday.
Tara Dery
Looking at the attachment sites might be helpful. The sternocleidomastoid attaches more anteriorly (closer to the face) then the trapezius.
The smaller muscles in-between are deep (under) to the SCM and trapezius although it's hard to tell in this example.
The attachment is from a textbook. I hope this helps, along with the drawing video above.

James Mayr
the construction looks solid.
Micah Kwan
Janos Gerasch
Drawn in 2019.
Revisiting the neck
Janos Gerasch
Looks solid !
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.