This was a really fun and rewarding assignment, thank you! I still tend to have a bit of trouble with creating dark indent lines in my creations (closed lip gap shadow, skin folds etc.), in this instance, it's the indents on the sides of the nose, something about them feels off to me. If you could give me any advice or even make a video at some point (unless there already is one that I don't know about), then that would be great!
Hey looking good! with the sharp creases and plane changes (like the wing of the nostril transitioning to the front plane of the face as you mentioned) observing the reference closely is really helpful. A lot of the time these "sharp" transitions are actually softer than we realize and making them overly sharp can make it feel unnatural. Usually it's better to have a transition between forms that's too soft rather than too sharp. these transitions also vary greatly as they travel so the crease is usually much sharper at the bottom of the nose and then softens a lot as it moves up and curls around the nostril. Hopefully this makes sense. Keep up the great work!
Way to do the assignment! One thing you might try to work on is differentiating the forms of the nose a bit more. for example the back of the wings of the nostrils there is typically a sharper inside corner than what I'm seeing here. Keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing more!
Did most of this assignment quite a while back, but got massively waylaid by other stuff. Went to finish it today, then remembered it was mostly just to sort out the excessive moustache... so I decided to leave it as is and post it. Move onto the next assignment... for the mouth - where moustache will attack again.
Here is my nose, along with some additional anatomy! I guess I got carried away and could not just do the nose. I felt like I needed some more context (lips, mouth, forehead, cheeks) to be able to capture the features. This is still a work-in-progress. I am hoping to get some good critiques to help me improve this exercise.
Thanks for the compliment, Andrew. But how about some tough, hard, criticism! You don't have to be so nice!! Nothing like telling me all the places I screwed up to get me back at it to make improvements. One thing I did to have a bit more freedom to make changes without ruining what I had already done was to scan the clay model using the Trnio Plus app and then bring the scan into a 3D modeling program (zBrush) to do some digital work. This also let me sculpt symmetrically, using the mirror feature of the software. Here are a few views of the digital model.
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Alright, it's time to
picksculpt your own nose. Spend 1-2 hours on sculpting your own life-size (or a little bit bigger) nose study sculpture.