Anna Sch
Hands are always my worst thing to draw. Except feet…. My goal is to draw at least 100 hands. Cause i think repetition is a key to impovement and muscle memory. I will make extra file folder for my 100 hands challenge :)
Andres Torres
Sandra Süsser
Hand bones tests and study #4
I really like Stan's shape design and the fluid gentle S curve lines in the fingers. Now that I've watched the video I see that I could definitely improve there.
Second try. I like the clean defined lines much better. Learning!
Marco Sordi
2021/8/7. Hi everyone. Here's my first attempt for this assignment. Thanks.
Account deleted
Nice job :)
The structure looks great, but maybe you could push for more line width variation?
There are many things you can consider for which lines should be thick or thin, such as light, rhythm, overlap, closeness to the viewer and overall contrast.
One immediate thing you could try though - for a technical drawing like this - is to keep contour lines and overlap lines thicker, while keeping lines that describe surface iniside an object thin.
Ultimately (in my opinion) you want the lines to move, change and be lively, but the rule of "thick line for overlap and contour, and thin line for surface lines" is an easy rule to start applying that is used extensively in technical illustration.
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.