Andres Torres
What’s up? Trying to make my own webcomics.
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Andres Torres
added comment inAssignment - 5 Tricks to Make Your Drawings Look 3D
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A bit off topic but this is a picture im working on in my comic. It's taken about 4 hours so far, any tips, tricks, or critique?
I want more! I want to start learning and getting assignments. Can't wait!
Tom Simpson
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My first attempt at the 'Draw models' assignment. I haven't watched the full demonstration for these yet, but will do so very soon. Critiques welcome!
Asked for help
When do we know whether we can 'graduate' from gesture to the bean? Would it be when we send in gesture critique and if we get positive feedback we can move on?
Andres Torres
This is how it was for me. My whole life I was too lazy to put in the work to be a great artist until about 2 years ago when I literally could not stand being that way. That is is when I finally took art seriously and I've come a long way since then.
She honestly comes across as more racist than anything. Like for example she basically says she needs to be the same race as the characters to "relate" to them. Why is race the only thing she cares about when talking about relating to someone? Also so many people complain about not being enough poc in film and media in general, but most people in this country are white. Most people in this country that make movies and books are white. Then when a white person tries to be inclusive she instantly says it was wrong? I mean for Moana they went above and beyond and just because it was two white guys that made the movie she basically implies it still wasn't enough. I also never got the whole empowerment thing or relating thing. I've never really felt impowered because of a fictional character, and if I ever did, it wouldn't be the color of the skin that empowered me. Yeah honestly just feel she is racist.
Why is there no more episodes?
Bernt Bigton
I found a beautiful drawing by Andrew Loomis, and in my mind I thought it was a good choice for a study, but clearly it was way to difficult for me at this level. So I really do need this course.
Andres Torres
Asked for help
I’ve never not drawn a more realistic/ anime style so this was…different…
Andres Torres
Asked for help
I don’t really go out much so it’s hard to do the coffee shop sketches.