Welcome to Proko 2.0!!! 🎉
Cyan Knight
This is the start of a new art community, so it's important to have fun and introduce ourselves!
People can use this post to say who they are, what they like drawing/painting, and maybe show off a piece of theirs or two (or three!).
Thanks everyone! o/
Asked for help
I did this study using a reference from croquis cafe and despite being decently satisfied I feel like it misses something, like depth or some smoothness to it. I was wondering if you could help me see something I'm not grasping.
The anatomy of the torso and legs looks so good! I love the knee and the attention to detail in the feet.
The armpit area could maybe be refined more. Adjusting some of the overlapping forms and adding in the coracobrachialis muscle may add more dimension to that area.
The coracobrachialis is a really interesting little muscle that connects the inside of the scapula to the humerus. It is only seen when the arm is raised like this.
I hope this is helpful. Keep it up!
Firstly, sorry for the rude intro.I'm called by the names of Nkunda Christian it's my first time participating in an art community , and I think it is my first time to take an art class .Honestly I like drawing during my leisure time but I think that an improvement in my art might be needed inorder to take my skills to next level. As my first time in an art class community ,l don't have masterpieces or an art work to share with you guys , but I hope as I progress little by little I will start showing you my art works and maybe create my own masterpiece .Thanks I think that's it I appreciate a lot your company and guidance in this journey of art advancement that I'm undertaking .
Asked for help
Hey guys, I have recently started to use the proko website and it's been really fun. I won't say I am a beginner at art, but i don't have any professional experience as well. I just want some critiques on this piece and just want to know what could I have done to make it better.
Sugar coat it for me would ya :')
it's great for a beginner, you know what you want to draw and how to do it, I strongly suggest learning foreshortening and perspective because if you remove the arm here it makes it clear that the breast area is too low for normal, and antomy would be a big help but you need to have some good grasp on shapes in 3d form.
it needs more dynamic pose and adding some foreshortening would help, the hand feels a bit too small the gun feel small as well. And the left leg positioning felt a tad off, i would reccomend drawing the hips so that it feel mere solid in the construction of the body, even though its not shown. Beside those the rest are nice, and the color are good, wish you the best
rebbeca! wouldn't have thought I'd see her here Haha. the rendering and shading looks good! and the anatomy is decent (theres a few lines for the muscles and knees that are misplaced on the legs) and maybe you could add more to the composition (more effect, cropping, etc) to make it more dynamic and badass
Hello my name online is SpeedNin. I am a beginner Artist on the Road to Artgod. I like drawing Anime styled stuff; typically just fanarts . I have been drawing on and off for over a year now taking it seriously about a month ago. I draw mainly because I enjoy it and I simply want to see where it will take me.
Looking forward to meeting, talking, and getting involved with the community here.
you've done really well, and it's only been a year since you start. but there is a little bit of inconsistency on the shadow which make it confusing which direction the light came from, the shadow that is on the purple man neck should be a cast shadow from the girl and there's a tiny leak on the color, other than that you're doing great.
Hello, my name is Ulysse I live in the west of France I am starting out, I am really looking foward to learning all the fundamentals of drawing and painting and spending more time with art. Thank you all for sharing your knowledge I look forward to taking some of your courses, participating in this community and seeing every ones art.
Hello 👋🏻 I'm Monica. I'm glad to see Proko 2.0! I've learned so much from Proko's YouTube videos and the podcast is amazing! Here are some pictures of my work. I'm happy to be here 🙂
Hi everyone, Im Jona I've been studying art online for the past four years my area of focus is in the Visual development industry, illustration, prop design, character design, and environment design.
i have taken courses on Schoolism, Watts atelier, New masters academy, and some gum road classes.
I supplement my studies with books such as Loomis's "Figure Drawing for all its worth'', James Gourney "Color and light", and Micheal Hampton's "Figure drawing Design and invention"
some of my favorite artists include Norman Rockwell, J.C Lyendecker, Maxwell Parrish, Maynard Dixon, Aleksi p. Belkyh, Bob Kuhn, Nc Wyeth, and the list goes on...
TL;DR the internet is my campus lets congregate and grow together!
Hello everyone! I'm pretty new to art, I didn't know what to pick for a course then I remembered when I was a kid I was pretty ok at drawing and I was always been in awe in animations. Been doing illustrations recently and stuff, nice to meet you all. :) Happy to be here, lets all get better together
Hi all, my name is Mary and I’m trying to improve my sculpture, Drawing and painting techniques. I found your website referral on the Proko YouTube channel. I love doing miniatures, fiber arts, and making jewelry. I am inspired by fantasy, sci-fi, contemporary and classical art. I’m obsessed with learning about creating well designed sculptures with a high level of detail and texture. I collect tools and fibers and try to creat art by recycling materials. Happy to be here! 😁
Hello, I'm Hannah. I like drawing anime and also some realistic and other stuff. I like fantasy and character art a lot.
Hi. I'm Lillen Art. I paint portraits of women and female characters. Currently, I'm working on my portfolio and transitioning my art away from realism towards stylized illustration. Also, I'm learning Blender and 3D. I look forward to getting to know some of you and sharing feedback. Samples of my art attached below.
I'm not there yet, but I'm also interested in eventually stylizing my work! I'd love to watch your progress and how you navigate the transition, so I hope to see you around!
Hello! I'm Carol and I'm very excited about this art community too! I'm a little all over the place with my art, but I'm currently trying to get a solid handle on gesture so my work won't be so static.
Hey, this is Jme. Been following Proko for years and hype about this overhaul (really proud of Stan). Everything looks great so far. Character art/design, comics are my go-to for creating but I'm trying to branch out.
My name is Cyan, and I've been teaching myself to draw and paint over the last year. I'm looking to become a professional one day, and I'm working hard to achieve that!
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