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added comment inFigure Drawing Critiques – Robo Bean
I went at this again with a different thought process after watching the critiques here. Started paying less attention to detail attempting to pay more attention to the overall shape and structure of the boxes. This feels alot better then before! I just want to toss these out there, if any of you have any critiques for this that you may see feel free to help me out. Let's all keep striving to improve!

John Harper
Every time you start again, you should feel more confidence. You have inspired me to start again at the bean and robobean. I've been doing several faces, upper-torso studies. I feel pretty good about them and will post soon. On a side note, pay close attention to what Proko says about the proportions of the rib cage and pelvis. That will help you in this current exercise.
Hello I'm a beginner so I what I say should probably be taken with a grain of salt. I don't think I can give a concrete answer to this because I believe the answer will be different for everyone. I can atleast tell you the way I see it atleast which of course again, is subjective.
Gesture is something I believe is typically constantly being practiced, if your drawing the human figure you are typically always doing gesture. If you've been doing nothing but gesture and you feel like you should move on to another topic you probably should. For me personally I've been following Proko's Figure Drawing course and as soon as I felt I was ready I moved on, however everything kind of builds on top of one another. You can still practice gesture while drawing the figure; which is what I've been trying to do.
At the end of the day you can always go back and practice more gesture if you feel like it's a core issue, gesture is something that is always being practiced even subconsciously. I remember in a draftmen episode someone asked a similar question of "when should I move on and should I keep working on this until I've mastered the topic?" And the response was something along the lines of "When do we truly master gesture?" And I agree if we were to stay on gesture until we mastered it we would be practicing gesture for years.
This was a extremely longer response then I wanted it to be originally but I had found myself asking a similar question not long ago and honestly just listening to the draftsmen podcast as a beginner has helped me change my approach with art completely. If you haven't checked them out yet I highly recommend it! It's a podcast run by Stan Prokopenko and Marshall Vandruff. They go over alot of topics regarding the arts! (And also Marshall sings) Anyways I feel like you should move on if you truly feel like your ready, hell even if your not ready try practicing something else! All the fundamentals build on top of each other and that's one of the fun parts about learning art!
Asked for help
First time posting here, I actually bought Proko's Figure Drawing course about 20 days ago. Currently been focusing on Robo Bean here are my results thus far, anyone is welcome to critique my works and they are welcome.
Hello my name online is SpeedNin. I am a beginner Artist on the Road to Artgod. I like drawing Anime styled stuff; typically just fanarts . I have been drawing on and off for over a year now taking it seriously about a month ago. I draw mainly because I enjoy it and I simply want to see where it will take me.
Looking forward to meeting, talking, and getting involved with the community here.
you've done really well, and it's only been a year since you start. but there is a little bit of inconsistency on the shadow which make it confusing which direction the light came from, the shadow that is on the purple man neck should be a cast shadow from the girl and there's a tiny leak on the color, other than that you're doing great.