yo mama
im 16 and i draw sometimes
Activity Feed
The Asian Sam
Hi, thanks for doing portfolio reviews. I attached 10 of my favorite character drawings below. 8 of them is original, and 2 of them is a original fan art of Dante and Zelda. I am still in college and I actually don’t know what I am aiming for and what’s my goal after graduating. I just draw, practice and rendering out my characters. That’s why it’s very inconsistent and I don’t have a style yet. Could you point out my strengths and weakness are and which aspect of the art industry I have a best chance getting a job?
woah ur stuff is so pretty
yeap, good luck
My character name is sam his an anti hero but an hero non the less . He was sent to limbo because he died to early. The 3 witches that protects the realm to heaven cast him to earth so he can stop the entrance to the soul realm
cool guy
Very good video. Feels like the first time I've been able to understand the process. As you can see on mine, the colors started to get muddy as I kept blending. What's the best way to come back from that when it happens?
maybe more saturated transition colors for the core shadows would help? great work though!
This looks really awesome. I heard tilting the camera angle can add more tension to an illustration, if that helps!
Dominic Falisi
yeah, maybe i couldve chose a more dynamic camera angle for sure, cheers
Jaroslav Pista
I present Fabulous Capholder-man no party will ever be without cups as well as evil will not prevent on his watch
the helmet was such a cool idea!
This is soupy, a depressed soup bowl who used to feed thousands of the starving...well that was until he stopped being able to regenerate. He became an old lonely legend, a stupid soup that can talk(not very special). Decades later, Cardini stumbled upon him during his journey to become a rich hero, but when he tries to capture him he realized that he really cant regenerate anymore. I made a lil comic, but decided to include their rough character designs becuz those have color :O
OH i forgot to add that Cardini and Soupy will form an alliance to solve his regeneration issue, and feed all the starving again!
Santiago Mundo
I bring you Dr. Potassium, a Scientist that was bitten by a radioactive banana. Now he's forced to puke bananas out of his eyes, but with the help of his device (The peeler 2.0), he's able to throw banana peels at his enemies (while still consuming the inside so there's no waste). His aim is not very good since he has no eyes, buy if you throw enough banana peels around, eventually you'll hit something.
i cant stop looking at this idk why :,)
jostas izzi
Usually i draw super ugly even in traditional pencil and paper,I decided to make it to next level i draw in digital with my stupid mouse here i present my unexpected hero the "SuperWorm",as you guys know worms are friends of farmers, even though in my mind i have some amazing ideas how to draw it but unfortunately my drawing skills are still horrible and didn't make up to it, i posted it here to break my inferiority complex and try to move on,and who ever going to win the competition congrats
this is gold thank you for doing this, its becoming my wallpaper if ya dont mind...
Wearing a blue attire, it didn’t take long until people started calling him “The Mailman ”. Seemingly popping out of nowhere ”The Mailman” could deliver packages faster than anyone. Whenever you needed something he showed up with what you needed. This came to benefit the current superheroes who roamed the cities. If you were in need of materials? THE MAILMAN CAME TO YOUR AID! if you were in need of weapons? THE MAILMANS WAS THERE TO PROVIDE THEM! Of course this lead to a lot of questions. Many people and even some superheroes were questioning, how? How could the Mailman deliver so many packages on time in so many different locations? But no one ever got the chance to ask him as he always dissapeared soon after his delivery. While the superheroes and people admired him it was a whole different story for the villains. Getting on the mailman’s bad side was the last thing you wanted and could ultimately destroy an evil plan. Beacouse if your pakages never arrived, building a weapon of mass destruction would be impossible. Not much is known about the mailman. But he is a hero. A hero that despite all arrives on time to help the people in need.
he looks stylish!!
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