Perspective resources recomendation
Hi everyone,
I am struggling with perspective.
I want to learn it but unfortunately, there is no course on it at Proko :(
Do you have a favourite resource for understanding this topic? Preferably, classes or series of videos with lessons beyond the basics.
I tried some, and yeah I know what is 1,2,3-point perspective, hell I can draw a box with a ruler and nicely indicated vanishing points, but when I am drawing boxes for robo bean... holly cow it's good you cannot see that staff. Eyes bleed. I am trying 250 boxes challenge (I did all the lessons), but I feel it doesn't really work for me :(
Thanks for help guys,
All best
PS. I listen today to Draftmans podcast, and I am still waiting for this course promised in 2019 by Marshall 😂
I really recommend Draw a box site is very complete in the topic and the Scott Robertson's book ''How to Drawn''
I started draw a box, I have a love-hate relationship with it - love the site hate my luck of ability to draw "a simple box".
This is a great question. I think what you want to learn Is how to draw primitives from any angle. Most perspective books and courses focus on the technical part of drawing 1,2 and 3 point which is great for drawing buildings, and cars, but useless for figure drawing. Here’s a video that might help.
I would Also recommend just drawing several sheets of cubes turning in space and getting feedback. I’ll be happy to take a look at them.
Good luck!
Hi Danet! I am from Argentina, so we could do this in Castellano! But then other people would not understand here goes my bad English! I agree with the goal "how to draw primitives from any angle". But, I know from experience that you could use intense technical perspective practice to learn intuitive perspective. I would not discuss what is the faster way because I think that it will vary with the subject.
Hi. This is a hard question because it will depend on how you like to study. I have an analytical mind. For instance, I do programming. So, I liked to understand how perspective works. If you want to follow that path, I recommend David Chelsea's books and Scott Robertson's learning materials.
I am definitely analytical, for the love of grandma I cannot "feel" or "just see" if something is right or not - I need to have rules that allow me to understand something, than, when it clicks I can diverge, but I need that logical fundament,