Looking for feedbakc

Hi Everyone! I am on my final week of my figure drawing class and am looking for feedback on this drawing. Any help would be appricaited looking for feedback on accurate proportion and anatomy.
much appreciated work but you should more concern on minor details which affect bigger like you might have known form where you should light and when bold I think it might be helpful for you
Hey irdisey,
This is a pretty ambitious drawing, nice to see you take it on.
What jumps out at me the most is the proportion and the clothing. As far as the proportions, the body seems okay, but the head is too big. The way you drew the clothing is flattening out your image, especially the way you did the wrinkles.
I did a quick sketch to show you the stages that I think will help you in the future. Make sure you work out your perspective and proportions in your beginning stages, so that you can add your details without worrying about those issues. I hope this helps :)
@irdisey very good job creating a convincing character in active storytelling pose. As for the feedback of an initial reaction from an outside viewer, perhaps consider your choice of how you depict the tilt of the head. In photo its actually feels more dramatic in storytelling by head and eyes looking up, maybe 30 degree angle, as compared to drawing which feels a little stiff, looking about horizontal straight ahead. Also perhaps consider the fingers, hand and thumb simplications as area which could be made more convincing. An idea for next time could be to study how other artists you like depict hands and compare to your approach. I hope that helps.
Thank you so much! Hopefully I can get these edits in and turn in a closer to accurate picture. Thank you!!!