[Looking for a critique] The Mandalorian Fan Art Illustration
Francesco Crobu
Hi! I made this illustration about a month ago with the intention of putting it in my portfolio. I think it has lost some of its freshness and fluidity after a few corrections, especially to the pose. The pose has definitely become very rigid. What do you think? Any advice is welcome! Qualunque consiglio è ben accetto!
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Patrick Bosworth
This looks really awesome! The only I see is proportionally the helmet feels a bit small for the rest of the body armor set. It's minimal, but might help to slightly bump up the size. Killer work!
Steve Lenze
You did so much right with this, especially the pose. The tilt of the head creates a nice "S" curve through the body. The tilt of the shoulders working against the tilt of the hips makes the pose more dynamic. The only thing I would say about the pose is that the legs stiffen the pose a little. The forward leg is at a right, 90 degree angle which is always going to feel stiff. The other leg looks broken and is missing the swing of the gesture. Other then that, I think you did a pretty good job :)
Francesco Crobu
Thanks so much Steve! Your advice is always great. I'll try to make the changes.
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